Increased receptive tourism in all regions except Córdoba | Chronic


According to the latest report of the Foundation of the léral Institute of the Mediterranean, formed by economists Vanessa Toselli and Lucía Iglesias, receptive tourism has increased in all regions except the province of Córdoba.

On the other hand, they pointed out that "In the first two months of 2019, we saw a 1.3% year-on-year decline in the total number of travelers staying in our country."

The best performing regions are: the province of Buenos Aires (+ 28.2%), the North (+ 20.1%) and the Littoral (+ 18.5%); In addition, in Patagonia (+ 14.8%), Cuyo (+ 12.3%) and CABA (+ 10.1%), non-resident tourism also performed well.

In Córdoba, the indicator decreased by 12.5%.

Resident tourists (78% of the total) recorded an interannual variation of -5.5%, while non-residents (22% of the total) increased by more than 12% compared to 2018.

The badysis also covers the flow of tourists entering and exiting the country, by air, representing the total number of airports.

With data provided by the INDEC International Tourism Survey (ETI), the cumulation is compared to February 2019 with the same period of the year 2018.

Chile, Brazil and Paraguay are the countries of origin of the tourists who chose Argentina the most as a place to visit: respectively + 60.9%, + 34.0% and + 24.8%. %.

Next come the United States and Canada (+ 14.3%), Uruguay (+ 13.4%) and Bolivia (+ 7.5%); in the rest of the Americas, there was a 24.3% increase in total non-resident tourism entering Argentina in the first two months of 2019.

In Europe and the rest of the world, positive deviations were also recorded during the first two months of the year: respectively + 13.5% and + 7.5%.


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