Incredible: he crushed the thief who stole his girlfriend – News


The woman had her cell phone stolen a few minutes before the dramatic episode.

This happened in the Brazilian municipality of Vila Velha, in the state of Espíritu Santo, and the event was recorded by security cameras in the area.

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The 23-year-old woman was on the sidewalk when the thief cycled past and grabbed her cell phone, just as the victim’s partner got into their car, who attacked the offender.

Despite the blow, the thief immediately stood up and tried to escape, but was punched and beaten by local neighbors.

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The police took him to the police station after receiving medical treatment. The man was prosecuted for theft and fined.

The boyfriend later clarified that it was not his intention to hurt the thief but to stop him: “Stop it from happening. It’s the impulse, the first thing you think of. instinct that you end up using, ”the man explained. .


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