Incredible: the next five years will be hotter than 2018


Although 2018 was the fourth hottest year ever recorded, British meteorologists predict that the next five years will be much more numerous.

"It does not matter that the changes are minimal from one year to the next, the trend is inevitably on the rise and will continue this way," he said. Stefan Rahmstorf, climatologist of the Potsdam Institute. "Those who deny this fact do not accept physics," he said.

The greenhouse effect and global warming

Confirming Rahmstorf's statement, the National Office of the Administration of Oceans and the Atmosphere (NOAA for its acronym in English) said that 2018 had a warmer than average temperature in the twentieth century .

External scientists, such as Natalie Mahowald, from Cornell University, said the forecasts correspond to what researchers have known about warming and natural variability.

The responsibility to take care of the future of the Earth

Although different agencies badyzed the situation in different ways, they all announced the same conclusion. According to two agencies in the United States, the United Kingdom's Office of Meteorology and the World Meteorological Organization: 2018 was the fourth hottest year after 2016, 2015 and 2017.

The UK weather bureau predicted, using computer simulations, that in the next five years, average temperatures will exceed those of the past four years, according to the Associated Press.

The obvious long-term trend of constant warming facilitates more accurate prediction of rising temperatures in the more immediate future, said the chief climatologist at NASA. Gavin Schmidt.


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