Indecopi ratifies a fine on imports of Argentine biodiesel | Trade | Economy


The Special Chamber for the Defense of Competition of the Court of Indecopi (SDC) confirmed, in the second and final administrative instance, the application of countervailing and definitive anti-dumping duties to biodiesel pure imports of Argentina .

The Chamber concluded that the Argentine Government had forced refineries in that country to purchase certain volumes of biodiesel from companies producing this biofuel at a price set by its energy secretariat, thereby guaranteeing a percentage of the demand. domestic, as well as a better price level compared to what it would get on the market in this country without the intervention of the government.

In this regard, the Board determined a significant increase in imports of biodiesel originating in Argentina the sentence sub-value of the product with respect to the like product produced in Peru, and the negative performance of main economic indicators of the domestic industry.

By resolution 0144-2018 / SDC-INDECOPI, the Chamber decided as a measure to change the price of the amounts of Argentine companies such as Cargill SACI, Bunge Argentina SA, Vicentin SAIC, among others.

It should be noted that a product is subject to dumping when its export price is lower than the domestic selling price of its country. country of origin, obtained in the normal course of business.

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