India broke the world record for choral infections …


The government of India reported this Thursday almost 315,000 new cases of coronavirus in 24 hours, a record for both the country and the world leaving New Delhi hospitals at the limit of their capacity with a worrying shortage of medical oxygen.

The Ministry of Health said 314,835 new cases had been recorded, a daily toll that no country had suffered so far. The report is given as part of a second wave caused mainly by a “double mutation” of the coronavirus which was recently detected in India.

Due to this situation, the the number of people infected in India since the start of the pandemic has risen to 15.9 million, which makes it second country most affected by covid-19, behind the United States and ahead of Brazil.

Several New Delhi hospitals and clinics have made a desperate appeal to the government to provide emergency oxygen supplies for hundreds of patients receiving assisted pulmonary ventilation.

On Wednesday, the capital of 25 million people received 500 tons of medicinal oxygen, an amount well below the 700 tons per day that we currently need.

In this context, the New Delhi government accused neighboring states ruled by the Indian People’s Party (BJP), led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, of delaying supplies.

Following this line, the New Delhi High Court ordered the government to guarantee the oxygen supply to hospitals across India. “We cannot let people die from lack of oxygen. Pray, borrow and steal, but provide it, ”said the judges, who also underlined“ the gravity of the situation ”.

In this context, many Relatives of patients forced to pay high prices for drugs and oxygen on the black market, while requests for help multiply on social networks.

The hospitals of the Maharashtra state, located in the west of the country, and its capital, Mumbai, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, also faces severe drug shortage.

More, many Indian states have decided to impose additional restrictions. Since Monday evening, New Delhi has started a weeklong lockout and all businesses deemed “non-essential” have been closed in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, where 200 million people live.

Faced with this situation, the United States has advised against traveling to India, the United Kingdom has added the country to its “red list” and Hong Kong and New Zealand have banned flights to and from there. .

In India, more than 130 million vaccines have already been administered and from May 1, all adults who wish will be able to apply the preparations.


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