India continues to receive aid from different countries and …


India received more international aid this Sunday to contain one of the world’s worst epidemics coronavirus of the world. They have recorded 400,000 new infections on the day of the date as it occurs against a backdrop of protests against health restrictions in several countries.

India, a country of 1.3 billion people, is one of the world’s largest drug producers. Since Saturday he has extended his vaccination program to all adults, however, many of its states are grappling with a shortage of injectables, having even canceled exports of doses.

On the weekend they signed up long queues at vaccination centers towns across the country, with people desperate to get vaccinated against a disease that has brought down hospitals, cemeteries and crematoriums.

Social networks are piling up desperate demands from people looking for oxygen cylinders, medicine and hospital bedsbecause the wave of Covid-19 is causing widespread shortages.

“We arrived early in the morning to be vaccinated,” said Megha Srivastava, 35, at a private center in the capital. “Now it’s a necessity. We see that a lot of people test positive, ”he added.

India reported on Sunday over 392,000 new cases and nearly 3,700 deaths
for the Covid-19 in the last 24 hours. Faced with the critical situation, several countries like
United States, United Kingdom and France They sent vaccines, masks and oxygen concentrators.

A plane with 28 tons of medical equipment chartered by France arrived this Sunday at New Delhi, where the authorities extended the detention for a week to combat the pandemic.

France sent eight large medical oxygen generators and 28 respirators, in addition to the 120 respirators sent by Germany the day before. In addition, the UK has announced that it will send an additional 1,000 units, Chancellor Dominic Raab said.

The medical adviser to the American presidency, Anthony Fauci, recommended the immediate establishment in India of a national lockdown of several weeks, although the Indian government is reluctant.

A growing list of countries suspended or restricted flights to India. Nigeria banned non-Nigerian travelers on Sunday who have been in the country, as well as in Brazil or Turkey, over the past two weeks.

Alarms are also sounding in other countries in overcrowded South Asia. Sri Lanka recorded record number of infections on Saturday and the authorities imposed new restrictions on movement and certain activities.


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