India has successfully launched its mission on the Moon | Chronic


India successfully launched its Chandrayaan-2 mission on the still unexplored southern pole of the Moon on Monday, the most ambitious project to date by the Indian Space Agency, which had to be interrupted a week after takeoff.

The launch of the lunar mission with the GSLV Mark III rocket took place as planned at 2:43 pm local time (6:13 am Argentina time) from the launch pad of the Satish Dhawan Space Center in the south of the country, as shown in live account at back is the Space Research Organization of India (ISRO).

"I am very pleased to announce that the GSLV Mark III vehicle has been able to inject the Chandrayaan-2 in the expected orbit", the leader of ISRO announced between applause, Kailasavadivoo Sivan, from the control center of the space agency.

One expects that it will reach the lunar surface in 48 days (Twitter).

And he added: "It's the beginning of a historic journey from India to the moon, with its landing in a place close to the South Pole, to conduct scientific experiments."

I also read: India launches its second mission on the Moon

He also recalled that the first attempt, scheduled for Monday morning 15, was to be suspended due to a launch system problem with barely an hour before takeoff, which was resolved in 24 hours. remarked the ISRO leader.

It is the second mission of Indian lunar exploration after its previous version, Chandrayaan-1, entered into lunar orbit in November 2008. This mission aims to explore the south pole of the surface lunar and learn about the mineral composition of the satellite and the presence of water.

The space agency is now waiting for the aircraft to pose on the lunar surface in the "48 days", having traveled the 384 000 kilometers that separate the Earth from the Moon.

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If successful, the Chandrayaan-2 will make India the fourth member country of the club of nations that hit the moon, a feat already accomplished by Russia, the United States and China, and will be the first country to to settle at the south pole of the satellite.

The Asian nation has one of the most active space programs in the world and began placing satellites in Earth orbit in 1999.


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