India sets world record for infections with c …


India has reported the highest number of COVID-19 infections in a day. With more than 314,000 cases of covid-19 detected in the past 24 hours, the Asian country has also broken the record for daily infections worldwide. In the past four days it has added over a million cases, while hospitals in the capital New Delhi have reached their capacity limits and lack oxygen.

The record set by the United States on January 2 with 300,310 daily cases was surpassed on Thursday by India. The country’s Ministry of Health reported the 314,385 new cases of covid-19 detected on the last day, bringing the number of infections to more than 15.9 million nationwide since the start of the pandemic. 2,104 new deaths were also recorded, resulting in a total of 184,000 deaths in India.

For a week, the number of daily infections was around 200,000 as the country goes through a new wave of pandemic. In areas such as New Delhi and Maharashtra, authorities have highlighted shortages of medicine and oxygen supplies. and they imposed full containment for a week and which is expected to end next Monday.

All businesses considered non-essential were closed in Maharashtra, where at least 24 covid-19 patients died yesterday when the oxygen supply ran out due to a leak. In the state of Uttar pradesh, which has 200 million inhabitants and where the iconic Taj Mahal is located, they have decreed business closures on weekends. This Indian state has recorded more than 67,000 new cases and 568 deaths in the past 24 hours alone.

New Delhi It has around 21 million inhabitants and on the last day it detected more than 24 thousand cases and 249 deaths. From hospitals and clinics in the capital, they have made an urgent appeal to the central government to provide oxygen to hundreds of patients receiving assisted pulmonary ventilation.

New Delhi yesterday received 500 tons of oxygen when in reality it needs 700 tons per day to cope with the increase in cases. In this context, the government of the capital accused the neighboring states, where the BJP, the Prime Minister’s party, governs Narendra Modi, delay supply. From the city’s Superior Court, they ordered the government to guarantee oxygen supplies to all hospitals across the country.

“We can’t let people die from lack of oxygen. Beg, borrow and steal, but provide it.”the judges noted. Relatives of patients are forced to pay huge prices for drugs and oxygen on the underground market. Families are also turning to social media for help.

One of the reasons that led to the collapse in health was the too rapid relaxation of safety measures. “We never thought a second wave would hit us so hard … complacency has caused an unforeseen shortage of drugs, medical supplies and hospital beds.”Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, CEO of Biocon & Biocon Biologics, an Indian healthcare company, told the Indian newspaper Economic time.

The government administered nearly 130 million doses of the vaccine -more than China and the United States-, however, in the country of 1,366 million people, that means that only eight percent of the population have received at least one vaccine. The monthly production plan of the Serum Institute, maker of the AstraZeneca vaccine, however, had planned to increase production from 60 to 70 million doses to 100 million doses by the end of May, according to the British newspaper. The Guardian, this will only be possible in July.

Among the thousands of dead left by the new wave of pandemic in the Asian country is that of the Islamic scholar and activist Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, to whom Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute on his Twitter account. “He will be remembered for his profound knowledge of theology and spirituality. He was also passionate about community service and social empowerment.”wrote the premier.

This Thursday, the death of the former minister of urban development of New Delhi (2008-2013), Ashok Kumar Walia. While Sitaram Yechury, The Secretary General of the Communist Party of India announced the death of his son Ashish Yechury because of covid-19.

Since the United States advised against traveling to India, the United Kingdom has joined the warnings by adding the country to their red list, while New Zealand and Hong Kong have banned flights with the Asian country.


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