India Surpassed 400,000 Daily Covid-19 Cases, and the Virus Continues Endlessly in Brazil | the Chronicle


India today received more international assistance to contain one of the world’s worst coronavirus outbreaks, with more than 400,000 new infections recorded, amid protests against health restrictions in several countries.

In the past 24 hours, India, one of the world’s largest drug producers, recorded 401,993 new infections and 3,523 deaths from the coronavirus, the health ministry said.

A day after expanding its vaccination program to all adults, as many states grapple with shortages of injectables despite the suspension of dose exports, New Delhi extended the lockout for a week, according to the AFP press agency.

Long queues were recorded this weekend at vaccination centers in a country that has collapsed hospitals, cemeteries and crematoriums, while personal demands for oxygen tubes, medicine and hospital beds rise. are accumulated on social networks.

Faced with the critical situation, several countries like the United States, the United Kingdom and France have already sent vaccines, masks and oxygen concentrators, and a growing list of countries suspended or restricted from flights with the India.

Covid-19 infections worldwide now exceeded 152 million and deaths were close to 3.2 million, when new epidemics also rocked many countries in Latin America.

There, 22 million people fell into poverty in 2020 as a result of the spread of the coronavirus and amid attempts by governments to alleviate deaths, prevent health collapse and juggle to maintain economies, according to the Economic Commission for America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

The director of the Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (Calas), Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, also director of the Center for Latin American Studies (CELA) at the University of Kassel, warned that the highest infection and death rates occur in the poorest. communities, where there is more overcrowding and basic diseases.

The virus continued unabated in Brazil, where the slowness of vaccination and the deficiencies in the management of the government of Jair Bolsonaro, which downplayed the pandemic, are reported as major causes of the human and health disaster, and the hospitals are on the brink. collapse.

On the contrary, hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Rio de Janeiro to demand “military intervention” and reinforce the powers of Bolsonaro, who had said weeks ago that he was waiting for a “signal from the people” to “take action. measures “and end protests, restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Ecuador also ended April with a monthly record of infections, over 53,000.

In Canada, the epicenter is in the most populous province of Ontario, where the wave of Covid-19 is so intense that the government has sent the military and the Red Cross to help treat critical patients.

There were also protests in the city of Montreal, where some 30,000 protesters marched yesterday against the mandatory use of masks and the imposition of a provincial curfew since January, Radio Canada reported today.

The vaccine rollout in Canada has also encountered supply issues, unlike its southern neighbor, the United States, which has applied at least one dose to more than half of its adult population and has fully vaccinated 100 million people. people, according to health authorities.

The good news is that the World Health Organization (WHO) has granted emergency approval to the coronavirus drug from the US laboratory Moderna, the fifth that has validation from the United Nations health agency. .

In Europe, which has topped 50 million cases and one million deaths, several countries have begun a gradual easing of restrictions, such as Poland, which allowed part of sports activities, and Ukraine, where bars and shopping malls opened their doors, before resuming classes in schools on Wednesday.

Russia, for its part, has decreed a 10-day vacation, from yesterday to Tuesday 10, to contain the increase in coronavirus cases.

Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said that one in four recovered people in Russia required medical follow-up due to complications and one in ten required hospitalization for treatment of other non-infectious diseases.


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