Indian doctors find 526 teeth in the mouth of a 7-year-old boy after complaints of jaw pain


August 02, 2019
– 09:08

The little boy had developed a rare kind of tumor called dentistry. The operation to extract them asked 5 hours

Ravindranath, a 7-year-old boy, was taken to the Saveetha Dental College in Chennai, India, after it's complaining of swelling on the right side of the lower jaw.

His parents said he had had a swelling since the age of 3, reported the National Herald of India, but that his condition worsened and required immediate medical attention.

An X-ray of the child's jaw revealed a bag of tissue weighing 200 grams, the doctors said. It contained 526 teeth.


Some teeth had a tenth of a millimeter, while others had up to 15 millimeters,

Some teeth had a tenth of a millimeter, while others had up to 15 millimeters,


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The bag was a "compound composed of odontome", a Benign tumor composed of dental tissue Normal as the enamel. These tumors are most often found in adolescents. Some had a tenth of a millimeter, while others had up to 15 millimeters, reported the Times of India, but all had the properties of teeth, with a crown and a molar. "It sounded like pearls in an oyster," said the doctors, according to the Herald.

The cause of growth still not clear, although university doctors have reduced the risk of genetics or even radiation from cell towers.


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