Indignation of Venezuelans by the words of Alberto Fernández – Elections 2019


Vicenzo Pensa, president of the Association of Venezuelans of Argentina (Asoven) met with Chain 3 on the words of the candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, on the situation in Venezuela and said that "it gives the right to Fernández in which the institutions work" but pointed out "that they do for one party and not for society ".

After Fernandez's statements on the Majul program, the Venezuelan community in Argentina questioned him and the hashtag #SrAlbertoLeCuentoQue is back in the world.

During the interview, the Todos Front candidate declared that "in Venezuela, there is no dictatorship, but an authoritarian government". "It is difficult to describe a government elected as a dictatorship, an elected government can become an authoritarian government, the institutions work there, and we discuss their functioning," he said.

He added: "The Venezuelan solution must be found by the Venezuelans, which is not a solution, it is to run after (Donald) Trump to promote the embargo."

In the face of Pensa's remarks, he warned that the movement stirred up by his compatriots was motivated "by the same community because the outrage is great and the shame we feel at hearing things like the work of the institutions is a lie".

And I ask the following question: "Yes, I must give Fernández the right in which the institutions operate, the repression, the courts submitted to the government.All works, except for a part, not for society."

"Venezuelans sometimes react this way using social networks, people are distressed, worried, we heard people say that if Kirchnerism came back to the government, people would leave," he said.

"They think to go somewhere else and look for the way, we do not want to influence anyone, but we know how it ends, look at Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and there is anxiety and it is great. " he warned.

In this context, he said, even if all are on the same side, "there are differences between those who believe that what happens in Venezuela is not the fault of Chavez, but Maduro, but what which unites us all, it is the need of a free Venezuela, with or without Maduro ".

"In Venezuela, you can not freely express yourself, those who have arrived in recent months and who have witnessed the development of the election campaign and the OSPP and who see a political party in a corner and in a other, have lost the debate, "he said.

"Many are amazed and find this strange, especially the youngest," he added.

Finally, he argued that many Venezuelans were "engaging in their own possibilities" in an Argentine political activity and that "those who fear the return of Kirirism have led them to become activists, which I respect, but I'm trying to omit the preference for Argentina's political party ".

"More than activism, we have a commitment." We say, "we come from Venezuela and that's what happened to us, let's think about what we're going to do as a country," he concluded.

Interview with Miguel Clariá


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