INE reported over 400 incidents during popular consultation on former presidents


The INE reported that at 4:00 p.m., more than 400 incidents were recorded during the day of the popular consultation (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The INE reported that at 4:00 p.m., more than 400 incidents were recorded during the day of the popular consultation (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The Executive Secretary of the National Electoral Institute (OTHER), Edmundo Jacobo Molina, He reported that, at the deadline of 4:00 p.m., more than 400 incidents were recorded during the popular consultation day so that the people, by a free and secret vote, decide on the possibility of investigating and bringing to justice the last five former presidents of the country.

According to the official, in the 57,014 reception tables (99.98%) that were installed, 476 incidents were reported, “a lower number” compared to those recorded during the election day of June 6.

“We recorded 476 incidents. If we compare at this stage the number of incidents that we have had June 6, at this moment they were 6 thousand 604, i.e. we have very few incident records: only 8 percent compared to the last day of elections“, He assured.

According to the INE secretary, of the 57,014 reception tables that were set up, 476 incidents were reported (Photo: Twitter @ lorenzocordovav)
According to the INE secretary, of the 57,014 reception tables that were set up, 476 incidents were reported (Photo: Twitter @ lorenzocordovav)

At a press conference, Edmundo Jacobo explained that there were four fundamental variables of these incidents:

The first, he noted, was the change of the place of the reception table “with just cause”; because it indicated that, somewhere in the Republic, the place that had been projected as a box was found closed or the supply of electricity or water was suspended, for which they were forced to move the table to another place “without wanting to cancel the vote”.

The second incident was the advertising inside or outside reception tables, such as posters and flyers.

The third and most recurring case detected during the day, added the secretary, is the one that there were citizens who came to express themselves without being able to vote, “What is established in the incident file.”

Ultimately, the absence of an official has been reported at the seat of the reception tables.

One of the incidents was propaganda inside or outside reception tables, such as posters and leaflets (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
One of the incidents was propaganda inside or outside reception tables, such as posters and leaflets (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“There are very few incidents that we have to report,” reiterated Jacobo Molina.

However, he pointed out that there were cases in places where the reception tables have started the work which begins at the end of the voteThat is to say at 6 o’clock in the afternoon, once the vote is closed.

Expressed that the job is to cancel the ballots that have not been used count the ballots that have been marked. The practice, he stressed, was detected in four cases, one in Oaxaca, two in Mexico (Xochimilco and Iztapalapa) and another in Michoacan.

“We detected four cases in our systems and via social networks in which polling station officials have started work which takes place after six in the afternoon when voting endsThis is done for any exercise carried out by the Institute, which consists of deactivating the ballots that have not been used to count the ballots that have actually been used, ”he said.

The INE pointed out that there were cases in places where reception tables started working after voting ended (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The INE pointed out that there were cases in places where reception tables started working after voting ended (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

He clarified that when these cases were detected by the system, Trainers have been ordered to come to the scene and suspend training; In addition, he recalled that the more than 9,000 electoral trainers have been reinforced to follow the exercise in accordance with the instructions.

We think it’s not bad faith, the agents planned to carry out this exercise after the polling station closed, in this case the polling station, and immediately after the detection of cases in the system, The trainers responsible for the same tables have been instructed to go to the site and to suspend this action. and the opportunity was taken to strengthen the indications, ”said the head of INE.


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