Inequality of access to vaccines is immoral


“It is essential to guarantee equitable and united access to vaccines and medicines”, he declared in this context and added: “The grave inequality of access to medicines and vaccines represents an act of injustice, extremely immoral and contrary to the interests of the international community as a whole.”

Fernández was one of the first leaders to speak, after the speeches of the President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, Mario draghi, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the head of the UN, Antonio Guterres.

During his speech, Fernández asserted that “the pandemic is a warning and, at the same time, an opportunity to move towards more equitable, more inclusive and just societies”.

Referring to the situation of the production and distribution of vaccines against the coronavirus, he said: “The serious inequality of access to medicines and vaccines represents an unjust act, highly immoral and contrary to the interests of the entire international community. “.

Fernández said that equal access to the vaccine “should be a priority for states, as it is a necessary condition to overcome this pandemic and promote the effective enjoyment of the right to health”.

In this regard, he added: “It is essential to promote the transfer of technology and ensure greater flexibility of intellectual property rights, in order to increase the global production of vaccines.”

In addition, he stressed that “instruments are needed to increase the exchange of knowledge and mobilize the financial resources necessary to develop and strengthen critical health infrastructure, especially in developing countries”.

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