Inexperienced police: I had to take a motorcycle confiscated from the police station and found myself on the ground


Ignorance, nerves, lack of expertise or all that is together is what may have happened to this New York Police Officer when he must take a motorcycle confiscated. Crossing the first corner, he lost control and He ended up laying on the street.

All it was registered as happened at a busy intersection of the Big Apple, specifically in the Harlem. The video has been uploaded to YouTube by the CBS network.

New York Post says police find motocross bike abandoned after someone used it imprudently in transit. That is why agent Brian Hinton has come forward confident of being able to take him to the police station. He did not succeed.

The video shows that in the first accelerated motorcycle lift the front wheel. A few meters later, it ends on the floor.

You hear cry and laugh pedestrians, and you see fellow officers coming to help you. Following the Hinton Fall he was injured in the shoulderHe was taken to St. Luke's Hospital Mount Sinai.


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