Inflation in June reached 3.5%, according to Umet


Inflation in June was 3.5%, the highest in two years, and climbed in 12 months to 29.5%, according to a private report.

Inflation from December 2017 to June 2018 rose to 16.1%, exceeding the 15% target set by the government.

To find a similar level, it is necessary to go back to May 2016, when the consumer price index had climbed to 3.7%.

However, inflation from December 2017 to June 2018 rose to 16.1%, exceeding the 15% target set by the government.

One piece of evidence that shows the deterioration of real wages is that between November 2015 and June 2018, the loss was 9.1%, according to a study by the Institute of Workers' Statistics (EIT) of the Metropolitan University of Education and Labor (Umet).

According to this report, in 2016, wages fell by 5%; he had a partial recovery of 3 points in 2017, but in June 2018 the annual loss was 4%.

"The rate in public services and the cost of food (which in some products is more than 35%), a year from now, has had an even worse effect in low-income sectors", adds the investigation.

In line with the inflation that affects the least those who have the least, the EIT considered that from November 2015 to the difference between inflation the richest deciles and the most the poor was 27.5%, affecting sectors with fewer resources.

"There are services where monthly inflation saves up to 7.5 points, the recreation area, 5% in health, transport and communications (4.3%)" , says the report.

Food and Beverages registered a 4.1% increase, although they were verified to exceed 8%, such as vegetables (8.3%) or oils and fats (7.9%). ).

or 51% of the 327 items recorded recorded increases of more than 3%; while 71% of the items checked exceeded 1.5%.

Nicolás Trotta, rector of Umet, warned that "the government's plan does not seem to have horizon and that only shows worsen the economic situation of the country".

In the case of retirees, year-on-year inflation for this sector climbed to 31.3%; while the monthly price change was 3.3%. The main reason for the increase felt by retirees is in the higher rise of items such as health (7.9% vs. 3.96%) and utilities, the food also recorded much higher increases high.

Analyzing the Increases


The government badyzes when it will be necessary to implement a further increase in public pbadenger transport due to the increased costs caused by the increase in the price of diesel and the update of the parities.

The Minister of Transport, Guillermo Dietrich, said that he "sees if there is a need for tariff variation".

"We see how the salary scale and the fuel issue end," he said, referring to a possible salary rebalancing at the bus drivers' union and an increase of more than 20% in diesel fuel. .

he predicted that the minimum pbadage ticket would have a new adjustment in the second half of the year, a measure that was postponed due to the acceleration of inflation and therefore did not occur. Impact on minority price measures.

The chambers of commerce that group pbadenger transport companies argue that this level of subsidy is insufficient to maintain activity and renew units.

Prices in supermarkets increased by 2.6%

According to the survey that the Ministry of Commerce performs periodically through the tool "Precios Claros ", the retail channel has increased According to official sources, the wholesale trade recorded in June an average increase of 2.6%.

"Precios Claros" was created by the government of Mauricio Macri a few months after supposedly, as a way to make information transparent and that consumers can compare product values ​​between different channels and branches, and so you can choose where to buy better.

According to June data, the categories that increased the most in 2657 branches of 30 channels are adult protection products, which climbed 13% in the month; shoe cleaning (8.2%); oils (6.7%); laundrines (6.7%) and frozen vegetables (6.6%).

In the case of wholesale prices, the article cleaning shoes has climbed 10.2%; baby food, 9.2%; women's protection, 6.4%; soups, broths and purees, 6.1%; and pasta and flour, 4.9%.

The official information also indicates that Santa Cruz is the province where there were the largest increases (4.4% in the retail trade and 4.3% in the wholesale trade), Tucumán, jurisdiction with the smallest increases (2.4% and 2%, respectively).

May data for "clear prices" had even been higher. The average of all products sold in supermarkets was 3.97% and that of the wholesale chain of 3.94%

In both cases, pasta and flour were the category which had increased the most. month (11, 8% and 17.6%), as it happened. The companies in the sector react quickly to the devaluation and send their new lists almost immediately.

In the disaggregated by province, La Pampa is the province that recorded the most increases in the retail circuit (4.3%) during this month. , while Misiones recorded the smallest increases (2.6%).

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