Inflation slowed for the second month, but remains high, marking 3.1% in May


The retail consumer price index for May was driven, among other factors, by rising prices for food, fuel and health, the official agency said.

In this way, in the Retail price inflation in the first five months of the year rose 19.2% and in the last twelve months 57.3%, the highest level since the release of hyperinflation in January 1992.

L & # 39; Article Food and beverages register a 2.4% increaseHousing, water, electricity and other fuels 4%; Health 5.1% and Transportation 3.5%.

The North-West region recorded the highest price increase in the country (3.9%), followed by Patagonia (3.4%) and Greater Buenos Aires and the Pampa region, where retail prices rose. of 3%. . The largest increase was recorded at 2.9%.

The May price increase had an impact on the 0.6% rise in seasonal products, 3.7% in regulated products and 3.2% in core CPI products.


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