Influencer YosStop was arrested for child pornography


The 30-year-old influencer disqualified the feminist movement as "hypocritical" (Photo: justyoss / Instagram)
The 30-year-old influencer has dismissed the feminist movement as “hypocrite” (Photo: justyoss / Instagram)

A few months ago, the influence YosStop was denounced for allegedly distribute audiovisual material classified as “child pornography”, by containing images of a minor raped in 2018, it is now known that the youtubeur has been arrested.

According to journalist Carlos Jiménez, agents from the Mexico City prosecutor’s office carried out an operation on Tuesday evening and learned from Yoselinne Hoffman Badui:

“Yosstop is arrested for child pornography. Agents of @PFDI_FGJCDMX carried out an operation this evening and apprehended the YouTuber Yosseline Hoffman. The @FiscaliaCDMX had an arrest warrant against him. A judge ordered his imprisonment for child pornographyThe police reporter wrote on his Twitter account.

The 30-year-old girl was arrested in the Narvarte Poniente neighborhood by investigative police officers, and transferred to the Santa Martha Acatitla Social Reintegration Women’s Center to be placed at the disposal of the controlling judge who asked.

Twitter users shared an image where the influencer was reportedly seen at the time of the arrest (Photo: Twitter)
Twitter users shared an image where the influencer was reportedly seen at the time of the arrest (Photo: Twitter)

And it was last March that a young woman named Ainara Suárez complained on social networks to subsequently sue Yosseline, for allegedly store and broadcast a video from three years ago where, during a party, the young woman is humiliated by other young people by inserting a bottle into her vagina.

The case sparked unrest and, despite the fact that the influence defended himself, arguing that Suárez “sought to make himself known to his shores”, it is so far that the news of the case is heard again with the arrest youtubeur.

In early March, Ainara’s accusation was widely publicized by feminist groups They also blamed other identified people such as Patricio A., Axel A., Julián G., Carlos R. and Nicolás B., who allegedly raped the minor at the time.

Feminist collectives spread the case on social media and in the media (Photo: Ainara / Twitter)
Feminist collectives spread the case on social media and in the media (Photo: Ainara / Twitter)

And it was May 25, 2018 when the then 16-year-old victim went to Axel A’s home, where, after alcohol consumption, the offense which constitutes a crime of equal rape was committed. The attackers also recorded and took photographs of the event and disseminated them through various channels, constituting the crime of child pornography.

Later, it was Yosseline Hoffman who, via her famous YouTube channel “Just Yos”, where he has nearly seven million subscribers, posted a video titled “Pathetic generation”, where he brought up the case and referred to the victim with derogatory comments: “Ainara became famous because ‘in a peda she let herself put a bottle of Möet, that is to say of champagne, in her vagina, ”he said. He also confessed in the clip that he had the said video in his possession, which was taken as evidence of possession of child pornography by Ainara’s defense.

And it is that the survey indicates that The person apprehended today made the said video public, repeatedly mentioning it on their social media, received it and reproduced it, by storing them on digital platforms.

The influencer has always denied any responsibility in the case (Photo: FGJCDMX)
The influencer has always denied any responsibility in the case (Photo: FGJCDMX)

It was March 3 when Ainara’s lawyers from the firm Schütte & Delsol Gojon filed the criminal complaint on the grounds that the victim had suffered serious harm:

“The broadcast of the video had a great impact on the psyche, freedom and personal spheres of Ainara, who was the victim of constant intimidation and attacks. Among these, she was involved in a fight which was also filmed and went viral ”.

For its part, the attorney general’s office this evening issued a statement announcing that the influence “He is presumed innocent and will be treated as such at all stages of the proceedings.”

Yosstop was honored for her controversial statements, as many believed she had revictimized Ainara (Photo: Screenshot)
Yosstop was honored for her controversial statements, as many believed she had revictimized Ainara (Photo: Screenshot)

“Deriving from the fieldwork and cabinet work carried out by elements of the Investigation Police (PDI), it was possible to locate the woman in the Narvarte Poniente neighborhood, for which the social representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in charge of investigations into the sexual offenses sought and obtained a search warrant. to complete the mandate.

After being served with the arrest warrant against her and informed of her rights, the woman arrested today was transferred for medical certification and then be admitted to the Social Reintegration Center for Women of Santa Martha Acatitla, to be made available to the supervisory judge who requested it. », We read in the document.


“Hypocritical movement”: YosStop assured that feminist collectives seek publicity on their shores
YosStop Must Stop Lying After Child Pornography Complaints
“As if I had received another blow”: Ainara recounted the hell behind her rape and the assaults on YosStop
“A crime I never committed”: YosStop reacted to a complaint for the dissemination of explicit material by a minor

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