Influenza A in Rosario: they have placed nearly 300 thousand vaccines and are available |


After the confirmation of the first case of influenza A of the season in Rosario, the provincial Ministry of Health has renewed the call to vaccinate and ensure that all public effectors have available doses.

"They have already been applied More than 290,000 doses of influenza vaccine but we have availability, there are sufficient doses," said Wednesday 2 Radio Julio Befani, director of the field of epidemiology. [19659003] "We advise vaccination before the cold arrives, but as long as the virus can give the body the opportunity to form enough defenses in two weeks to protect itself," he said. The vaccine is completely free and it's not even necessary to have a medical order.

He also confirmed that the infected patient in the city is a 32-year-old pregnant woman of 21 weeks and vaccinated, but he does not know why he did not put it.

He also recalled that the indication mainly concerns groups at risk: children under 6 to 24 months, pregnant women , people over 65 and people between 2 and 64 years old those with heart disease, chronic respiratory diseases or immunodeficiency situations.

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