Innovation: they have a shirt that includes air conditioning and heating


The new segment promise portable is An innovative device could improve our relationship with the most extreme summer and winter conditions. It is one of a kind portable air conditioner which is controlled from the smartphone and can reduce body temperature by 13 ° C or increase it by 8 ° C.

The name of this product is Reon Pocket and it was featured as part of a program promoted by Sony. As you can see in the video, the little gadget It is introduced in a special shirt with a pocket located in the back, in the neck area.

Compact air conditioner It is controlled with a mobile application, coupling via Bluetooth with the phone of the user (compatible with iOS and Android). Its secret is thermoelectric cooling, a property capable of absorbing or emitting heat. As we have pointed out, this solution is useful both on cold days and on summer days.

How "portable" is it? At this point, it should be noted that the equipment placed on the garment weighs about 85 grams. For comparison, most smartphones weigh between 150 and 190 grams. The shirt is available in different sizes and the idea is to use it for example under a shirt so that the air conditioner goes unnoticed.

Moreover, developers say that with a charge of two hours, it offers an approximate autonomy of 24 hours.

According to the account Gizmodoit will be sold first in the Japanese market, although it can reach other countries in 2020. As seen in the community of collective financing in which it starts, the basic package is offered for an equivalent equivalent to about $ 130.


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