Instagram began to hide the "I love" publications | Chronic


As he was expecting, Instagram has activated in seven countries the function of concealment "J & # 39; like" who receive the publications of this social network. In addition, it will not show the number of times that a video has been played.

The author of the publications will be the only one to have the statistics of his publications available. As explained on the social network, they want users to set up publications and not their popularity.

"The goal is to discourage the competition that may exist between users and the anxiety that can be generated in some people, to see that their content is not as popular as that of others." We want their friends to focus on the photos and videos, the amount of I like that they receive "they badured.

"You can always see your personal taste by touching the list of people who liked the post, but your friends will not be able to see how much I liked you received in your post."they added in a statement released by the social network.

This will show the publications also in Argentina.

The feature is already available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Japan and New Zealand. The trial version has also reached some users from other countries of the world. As explained by Instagram on their Twitter account, badysts hope to receive user feedback very soon to determine if this change has been beneficial to their experience on the network.

We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not on the number of tastes that they get. You can always see your personal taste by tapping the list of people who liked it, but your friends will not be able to see how many likes your message has received.

– Instagram (@instagram)
July 17, 2019


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