Instagram tests new tool to eliminate followers in public accounts | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Social network subscribers continue to be a topic for some users, while some want to increase them, others are desperately trying to block accounts for not having access to their content. Until now, people who have their private account in Instagram have no problem in regulating who can see their publications, however, the situation is totally opposed to those who have accounts public.

on what Instagram recently worked in a tool that allows people without padlocks in their profile to eliminate subscribers from their account. At first, this feature – which is still in the trial period – had appeared only on Android, however, some iOS users have also recently found the opportunity.

For the moment, this is only part of the functions the platform is studying within a restricted group of users and the company does not. has not confirmed that it would act as a tool that will be extended to all its customers in the future.

Although this behavior can be done up to now through the option of blocking any account (something that automatically eliminates the person in question from the list of subscribers), Instagram might suggest this alternative as a less "aggressive" variant.

In addition, he badures that the person "suppressed" will not receive any notification of this, also avoiding a situation that could lead to a social conflict worthy of the tragedies badociated with these platforms and the behaviors that are there experienced.

To access this option, it is necessary to access your own profile and access the subscribers section. From there, each account will be seen with the three vertical dots that warn a menu, by selecting them, the user has the option of deleting this account from his subscribers, with a small confirmation window before finishing the l & # 39; action. [19659007] According to information from:
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