Instagram: Users Create Funny "Memes" by Falling Social Network | Twitter | Facebook | trends


No pictures for a few hours! The Instagram social network has failed and stopped operating around the world, prompting many users to report what happened even . Many of them have published what has happened on Twitter.

Because Facebook suffered for the same thing, just a day ago, the most stable social network is Twitter so that's why you can read several messages detailed the fall of Instagram . Among them, it was possible to read that the disadvantages were reported to enter.

PUEDES VER Instagram: Famous social network suffers fall and users panic

After what happened, it was the own account of Instagram ] Twitter the one who spoke on the subject, where they claimed that they were already working to solve the problem.

"We are aware that some users have problems accessing their accounts Instagram .We know that it is frustrating and we are working quickly to solve the problem!", They write.

Despite this, the networks did not forgive what happened and immediately flooded it with several even we leave you below.

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