Instagram will notify when the user has seen everything


With this movement, we want to highlight the trend of the technology sector that aims to reduce criticism of the ability to create an addiction

Instagram has launched a new feature that will tell users when they have reached the end of the last posts. With the company's algorithm, the most recent publications are distributed in the "feed" and it is more difficult to know exactly when a user has been updated.

Thus, Instagram aims to prevent its users from browsing the stream. infinite way looking to avoid any new publication. In this way, when all the publications of have been seen, a message will warn that the last of the previous 48 hours has already been seen.

With this move, Instagram – one of the fastest-growing social networks – it wants to draw attention to the trend of the technology sector that aims to reduce the criticism of people. a society increasingly aware of the ability to create an addiction to its services. Mark Zuckerberg baptized the change with his phrase " Time Well Spent " (time well spent).

Google made the exit shot with its concept of " Digital Wellbeing " incorporating the Android Dashboard feature that will come with Android P to report the number of items. hours spent on the mobile using its usage statistics.

Tools announced to stop the disturbing phone at times ( Shush ) and incorporated weather warnings into YouTube .

Apple also joined the wave, with new features that will come with iOS 12, also adding usage statistics, mode Do not disturb improve the management of notifications and Stop Time : a time window in which notifications will stop receiving and some applications or even the entire phone will be blocked

This latest Instagram novelty comes shortly after that it was announced that they were testing a tool embedded in their application that would collect the time that the user has invested in their platform, to give it more Finally, it was detected in the code of Instagram and WhatsApp a new feature called Do not Disturb and that would silence both applications during the time that each user Sator has decided to settle, from 30 minutes to eight hours or until it is turned off again. Silence, of course, would mean no longer receiving notifications of both requests.

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