Institutional scandal in Paraguay with Pamela David


Pamela David She was involved in an international scandal after being recognized in Paraguay by the director of culture, Enrique Castro Rodríguez. The Paraguayan legislators have heard the news and want to withdraw Mr. Castro Rodríguez from his post, saying that the awarding of the prize "is regrettable".

On 21 September, the driver received a certificate from the Chamber of Deputies of the neighboring country attesting to her efforts to "promote the work, culture and brotherhood between Paraguay and Argentina through: America TV".

According to Castro Rodríguez, thanks to this channel, they could be "in agreement with Argentina" in that the corn cake, called chipá guazú, is Paraguayan.

It turns out that in a conflict that erupted in a cooking program in which it was claimed that this dish was Argentine, David interceded and argued that the creation had a Guarani origin.

After graduation, the ex-model ensured in his networks: "We are the decisions we make, the roads we take in. Asunción is part of my story, my life." The Congress of Paraguay has recognized the hands of the Paraguayan Cultural Parliament and the Directorate of Culture, and I am very pleased with this recognition. "

This immediately prompted complaints and insults in social networks and Paraguayan lawmakers called for the removal of Castro Rodríguez for considering that "no decoration could be taken" of Congress.

"It is unfortunate that in Paraguay there are some very meritorious people in the fields of music, sports and mathematics, we reward a woman who will have merit in her life but can not under any circumstances be awarded a decoration, "said the vice president of PEN, Kattya González.


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