“Intellectual misery”: Epigmenio Ibarra launched against Gabriel Quadri


Epigmenio Ibarra was not happy with Gabriel Quadri's idea (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Epigmenio Ibarra was not happy with Gabriel Quadri’s idea (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

This Sunday, September 12, the producer Epigmenio Ibarra was launched against the federal deputy of the National Action Party (PAN), Gabriel Quadri Torres, via his official Twitter account.

With a short message, the founder of Argos Communication decided to respond to the tweet that the former federal executive candidate posted about the former president of Chile, Salvador Allende, on the day of his death anniversary.

He ensured that Quadri’s words reflected the “intellectual misery “ which represents the “Conservative law“He also called the positioning a“ collection of insults ”.

“Impossible not to quote this tweet; a collection of insults which depicts, in their entirety, the intellectual misery of the conservative right. However, it turns out that Pinochet’s coup d’etat was provoked by Salvador Allende …He wrote in response.

"Impossible not to quote this tweet", the words the producer started his post with (Photo: Twitter / @ epigmenioibarra)
“Can’t miss this tweet,” the words the producer began his post with (Photo: Twitter / @epigmenioibarra)

However, on September 11, Gabriel Quadri decided to write his ideas around the death of Salvador Allende and the Chilean coup d’état in 1973.

According to the lawmaker, the three years that Allende lasted as the head of the South American nation was enough for a huge economic and social crisis, because of his approach to socialist and communist ideas. In addition, he stressed that he was the culprit of the unfortunate uprising of arms by the Chilean army, a situation which presumably led the former president to commit suicide.

“Salvador Allende tried to impose communism in Chile with 35% of the vote. He violated the Constitution. It caused a terrible economic and social crisis. He got dictator Castro to rule Chile for a month. It opened the door to a bloody coup. Then he committed suicide… ”, he explained on his social network.

Gabriel Quadri assured that the coup in Chile was Salvador Allende's fault (Photo: Twitter / @g_quadri)
Gabriel Quadri assured that the coup in Chile was Salvador Allende’s fault (Photo: Twitter / @g_quadri)

Such assertions have led to different criticisms of Quadri Torres, as many netizens have assured that their knowledge of said historical moment it’s wrong, Except indolent in front of those people who had to experience what happened firsthand.

To the words of Epigmenio Ibarra are added characters such as Jenaro Villamil, who asserted that the words of, now, panista are a display of “false statements” and “ignorance”, disguised as “summary trials”.

“This is what the poor devils are made of: historical misrepresentation and ignorance disguised as summary judgments. Luckily, Salvador Allende’s legacy will transcend Pinochetistas tweets like @g_quadri, ”wrote the president of the Mexican state’s public broadcasting system.

PRD activists criticized the party's alliance with Quadri (Photo: Twitter / g_quadri)
PRD activists criticized the party’s alliance with Quadri (Photo: Twitter / g_quadri)

Likewise, the chronicler Julio Astillero He responded to the message from former party member Nueva Alianza. The sentences handed down were classified as a “Historical irresponsibility”, this is why he said that it was necessary to “warn” characters like Quadri.

“How many lies and how much historical irresponsibility of @g_quadri. Not that their absurdities and excesses are surprising, but sometimes you have to warn them», Underlined Astillero.

Claudia Sheinbaum remembers Salvador Allende (Photo: EFE / Government of Mexico City)
Claudia Sheinbaum remembers Salvador Allende (Photo: EFE / Government of Mexico City)

Meanwhile, the head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, joined the digital tribute for the former President of the Republic of Chile, who was joined by many people through messages and photographs on different social networks.

Via her Twitter account, the manager wrote a short message: “At 11, it marked an event for me. A pacifist, humanist, equality idealist lost his life and was overthrown by a military coup of excruciating authoritarianism. Salvador Allende is alive and well in the hearts of Mexicans»Was read in the verified account of the president of the capital.


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