Interior Minister and Uruguayan veteran Jorge Larrañaga dies – telam


Jorge Larrañaga, died this Saturday at the age of 64.  President Luis Lacalle Pou was one of the first to fire him.

Jorge Larraaga, died this Saturday at the age of 64. One of the first to fire him was President Luis Lacalle Pou.

the Uruguay’s interior minister and veteran ruling party leader Jorge Larraaga died on Saturday at the age of 64, and one of the first to fire him was President Luis Lacalle Pou.

“Jorge Larraaga passed away. Very hard! I learned to love and respect him. He loved even in the harshness of the battle. We compete, we cooperate, we respect each other. He was at his peak. RIP, “wrote the president on his Twitter., in reference to the difficult presidential primary they organized a few years ago.

El Guapo’s cause of death, as he has been told since childhood, has yet to be officially announced. In the local press, it was only reported that it was a cardiopulmonary arrest.

Larraaga was mayor of Paysand, his native department, between 1990 and 1999, and in 2004 he jumped onto the national and international stage as a presidential candidate.

He lost to the center-left coalition Frente Amplio, but in the last two presidential elections he was again a pre-candidate, although he did not win the nomination of his force, the National Party.

Also, enter 2000 and 2020, he was a national senator, which allowed him to maintain his leadership not only within the party, but also his leadership role at the national level.

Last year, when Lacalle Pou assumed the presidency, he and his toughest rival in the white primaries, he was the first minister of his cabinet to take office.

As minister, he maintained a position of support for the police, the fierce fight against drug trafficking – against which he organized several operations -, the change of prisons and the recovery of public spaces, according to the newspaper. La República.

Shortly after hearing the news, political leaders expressed their condolences on social networks.

“Many hours of shared activism. Many dreams and projects as a leader. May you rest in peace, dear friend Jorge Larraaga. Thank you for your strength and your commitment. We will miss you very much. A big hug to his family, ”the country’s vice-president, Beatriz Argimn wrote on Twitter.

Three former presidents also addressed him a few words.

“More” beautiful “than ever, a gladiator of the Republic has fallen. An example of commitment, honesty and courage. Our emotion towards him and his relatives,” he wrote. Julio Mara Sanguinetti, from the Colorado party; while Jos Mujica from the broad front (FA), Subrayado told media: “For me, he was an unforgettable character. A tireless and committed worker, and good in the deepest sense of the word, in a good sense.”

The ex-president Luis Alberto Lacalle, a guy from Larraanaga, also spoke with this channel and remembered him as “a sensitive and kind man”. “It didn’t take us 10 minutes to do the presidential formula (for 2009) and he gave me one of those dangerous hugs because he had a lot of strength,” he said.

In parallel, the senator, former head of the army and head of one of the parties in the ruling coalition, Guido Manini, also dismissed him on the social network and underlined his management: “News that touches us deeply !! Uruguayans must recognize their enormous commitment and efforts to change a reality that concerns us all !!! We send a big hug to their family, friends and colleagues … RIP.”

From the opposition, meanwhile, the official Broad Front report rejected the minister.

<< On the death of the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Jorge Larraaga, eminent political leader of our country, The Large Front offers its deepest condolences and solidarity to its relatives, friends and colleagues of the National Party at this difficult time. RIP, ”wrote the opposition front.

The The mayor of Montevideo, also Carolina Cosse, also added her healthor: “A tight hug to the family of Dr Jorge Larraaga, to all his relatives, my condolences to the National Party.”

As, Senator and former Colorado minister Pedro Bordaberry fired him like this: “The best guy I have ever met in politics; the most loyal and the most frontal; how are we going to miss Jorge Larraaga; big hug to your family, friends and party; We will pray for his eternal rest. “


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