Intern in Brazil for coronavirus vaccination: Bolsonaro announced that it would be in March and the governor of São Paulo went through it | the Chronicle


The governor of the state of São Paulo, in Brazil, does not want to wait for the national plan for mass vaccination which plans to start in March in the hands of the national health portfolio, but believes that the first doses can be provided in this region in early January.

“Why are we going to wait until March, if we can start vaccinating in January”, said the governor of San Pablo, Joao doria.

Although the scheduled date for the start of vaccinations is in March, Doria hopes that by the first month of 2021, the Brazilian regulatory agency has allowed the distribution of China vaccine from Sinovac laboratory, which has been successfully tested on Brazil.

The tension between the governor of Sao Paulo and the president Jair Bolsonaro on the issue of vaccination and quarantine measures to cope coronavirus, they have become a political tool for participating in the next presidential elections in 2022.

Doria bet on inoculation of chinese vaccine as soon as possible, contrary to the thought of Bolsonaro, who warned that they didn’t want to complain about him if the antivirals “Side effects”.

In this sense, this Thursday a million doses have arrived and in the coming weeks, there will be 7 million, so that by January 15, the Brazilian health authorities will have 40 million additional antivirals to vaccinate their population.

The situation of pandemic in Brazil adds 6.4 million cases, 5.6 million cured and 174,515 deaths. For the time being, St.Paul It is still the most affected region, with more than 1.2 million positives and 42,456 deaths.


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