Internal change: Bullrich came out with the tips against Carrio


The official went out to respond to the provocation of the deputy and co-founder of the Cambiemos alliance: "You can not stop, you think Bolsonaro".

February 7, 2019

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, He went with everything to answer the MP Elisa Carrió who had indicated that "The problem" of the official "is that she can not stop, she thinks of Bolsonaro" and he clarified: "We will not be Bolsonaro.Prussian General is not going to be."

"I think we are changing the culture, the paradigm and, of course, the law presented by Moro is a very reasonable law and we had already thought about all these issues before straightening out a model of the world at the time. ;towards. In Argentina, we are doing something totally logical and reasonable "replied the official with LN +.

And condemned: "We are the masters of things that Sergio Moro does (his justice pair) in Brazil, what Bolsonaro does. Brazil does this because it comes from a political model similar to the one we came from. "

For Bullrich, the policy of security and drug trafficking is "well regarded by society" despite the differences with Carrió. "Nobody likes a chef like Carrio Say what I say, but I do not think what she says is what happens, "he said.

He also clarified: "I do not speak because if she wanted to make comments, she can call me by phone, to come to the ministry, I can go to her house … Now, to know what she thinks on television does not seem to me ".


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