Internal within the Jewish community: the AMIA asked the DAIA to waive any action in favor of the Cristina case – 31/01/2019


The attack on AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina) of 1994, like the lifeless appearance of former prosecutor Alberto Nisman, exacerbated the still latent internal violence within the Jewish community.

This Thursday, a new fact dug the crack when an official request was made by the authorities of the Jewish mutual society to DAIA (the delegation of Argentine Jewish badociations) so that withdraws from the promotion of the trial against Cristina Kirchner for the memorandum of understanding that the former president signed in 2013 with Iran.

In this application, the AMIA recalled that it opposed the trial in absentia against the Iranians accused of being behind the bombing that occurred. killed 85 people in 1994, and that any way in that direction will be "unknown" by the entity.

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The president of the AMIA, Agustín Zbar, expressed this position and, during the trip that all the leaders made in Israel for the homage and the monument erected in Nisman, the letter and the position of the two were an open secret. . Mutual document, dated January 22 –when everyone was in Israel- It is signed by Darío Curiel and Ariel Eichbaum, Secretary General and First Vice President, respectively.

At the first point of the letter, it is "essential" to try to maintain common strategies. "We wish to point out that the AMIA has not pronounced in favor of the trial in absentia" and that any statement of action or any commitment taken by DAIA "we would finally be unknown".

In point two, he states that the DAIA "must give up the lawsuit" against former President Fernandez de Kirchner. "The examination of this terrible foreign policy decision and its historical reversal correspond to the whole of the Argentine society and its representatives. maintain this complaint is detrimental to the community in general – they point out – and this affects the AMIA in its specific management ".

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The AMIA declared that it was their opposition that had concluded the pact with Iran, "the enemy of Israel". The AMIA says that if the DAIA gives up, it will repair an error from its old direction. And then, in point three, he calls for mechanisms to be put in place to keep the Jewish community free of "political parties or groups".

Consulted by Clarin DAIA President Jorge Knoblovits said that displeasure of the institution he has been chairing since the beginning of the year, "the publicity of a letter which should be resolved within the Community institutions.

Regarding DAIA, the political arm of all Jewish organizations in the country, stressed "the fact that AMIA is one of the 128 affiliated institutions (at the DAIA) and that all institutions, as appropriate to a democratic management they must settle their position on it. "He was referring to an badembly that was already scheduled for May this year. "I do not know what are the reasons why the president of the AMIA sent this letter. I find this extremely messy"

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However, the powerful earthquake that caused the spread of the AMIA letter must be read between the lines because, although the note is a breaking point, those who know Knoblovits know that I was not in favor of the trial in absentia, who was promoted by the controversial former president of the DAIA, Jorge Cohen Sabban, who had to resign after accusations of badual harbadment of actress Esmeralda Miter. For Zbar also, enemy of Cohen Sabban, the trial in absentia was to lead to the disappearance or death of the AMIA case after a trial without the presence of those convicted.

Consulted by Clarin, the president of AMIA Zbar explained the reasons for the letter: "The treaty of agreement with Iran was a political decision of the executive power voted by the majority of the Argentine Congress, its examination does not correspond to a complaint of the Jewish community but to one the same state organs that have adopted this political decision ".


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