International beer day: little-known facts to celebrate it


(Diego Simón Sánchez / Cuartoscuro)
(Diego Simón Sánchez / Cuartoscuro)

When Jesse Avshalomov, Evan Hamilton, Aaron Araki and Richard Hernandez wondered why there was no International Beer Day, they began to see what would be the perfect date for this occasion.

In 2007, they decided that August 5th could be a very good date but it was not lucky that that day at some point would turn into Wednesday or even Monday, which is why it would be difficult for workers to celebrate that day.

Five years later, in 2012, they made a decision: the first Friday in August, of each year, International Beer Day would be celebrated, decided at a bar in Santa Cruz, California.

There are different types of beers, some called light, dark or craft. However, some of their ingredients are of animal origin and are not suitable for vegetarians or those starting a vegan life.

MEXICO CITY, JUNE 03, 2020.- After the resumption of distribution and sale of beer on June 1, its presence in commercial establishments continues to be scarce and with little variety of brands.  PHOTO: MARIO JASSO /CUARTOSCURO.COM
MEXICO CITY, JUNE 03, 2020.- After the resumption of the distribution and sale of beer on June 1, its presence in commercial establishments continues to be scarce and with little variety of brands. PHOTO: MARIO JASSO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The foundation Vegetarians today mentioned in a statement that people when deciding to leave food of animal origin they cut meat, cheese, eggs and dairy products from their diet.

“The last thing you think about when drinking a beer is whether or not it’s suitable for vegans. Of course, when it contains an obvious additive like honey or milk, it’s easy to assume that’s not the case, ”says Ignacia Uribe, CEO of the international NGO Fundación Vegetarianos Hoy.

In the process of clarifying beer – which consists of eliminating the sediments that are released during fermentation and remain floating – Ingredients of animal origin are generally used such as gelatin, obtained from the bones, tendons and ligaments of pigs and cattle, or “fish tail”, which is actually the swim bladder of fish. Some beers even contain egg whites or use glycerol, pepsin or lactose, ingredients that could also be of animal origin, ”said the press release.

Uribe adds that “There are many brands and services that use a seal or symbol based on their image as a ‘vegan product’ without being 100% vegan or without being certified.; it is our responsibility as consumers to recognize real tampons and to ask companies who wish to use them to be certified ”.

What alternative for vegans?


There are already animal waste disposal systems, for which there are already labels that certify products suitable for vegans. Although “the great importance of vegan certifications is that at a global level there is no legal definition of what ‘vegan’ means, therefore anyone can put this attribute on a product. without actually being one, ”explains Uribe.

Reason why Vegetarian Today Foundation granted Mexico and Latin American countries the V-Label, in which it is recognized that there is a vegan certification and that companies can certify their product. An invitation that is extended to all brewing companies so that they can say that their drink is free from ingredients of animal origin.

Mexico, the OECD country that consumes the most beer

Beer production is one of the most important manufacturing activities in Mexico.
Beer production is one of the most important manufacturing activities in Mexico.

Mexico has been crowned as the country that consumes the most beer, among the 52 nations registered by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The study of the organism showed that the choice of a specific alcoholic drink for consumption, per person, is directly proportional to the consumer’s economic capacity, as well as the price of the product, emphasizing that buying a beer is not the same as buying wine or another appellation of origin drink such as tequila or whiskey.

Then, in the top 3 of the most consumed drinks, the analysis entitled “Preventing harmful alcohol consumption” places beer in first position – in all countries included – with 42% of the consumption of alcoholic beverages, followed by wine with 29% then drinks with designation of origin with 23%.

The OECD refers to these preference percentages due, to a large extent, to the purchasing power of people and therefore to the prices of products. Then they point out that it makes sense that beer is in first place since it is one of the most accessible alcoholic drinks in the world.

In the specific case of Mexico, 87% of participants opted for the barley drinkThen it was wine, with a choice of 4%. And it was followed by drinks like tequila and mezcal, with designation of origin, at 5%. While 4% of participants opted for other drinks.


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