International Cat Day: All you need to know before adopting one as a pet


Although there are many famous cats, such as Tom, Felix, Kitty or Garfield, we are celebrating today International Day of Cats in the honor of socks, the "first cat of the United States". His owner was none other than former President Bill Clinton and as a result, this two-color feline came to sit in the oval hall of the White House. One day like today, but in 2009 he had euthanasia.

Beyond what we can believe, cats – in general – are gentle and affectionate. However, their constant comparison with dogs would seem to put them at a disadvantage. Therefore, Comfort we make a Practical guide with 10 points to encourage you to adopt one and prepare yourself. With this objective, we discuss with Gabriela Pérez Tort, veterinary surgeon (MP: 3903), Virreyes veterinary hospital director and postgraduate professor specializing in cats.

C & # 39; all you need to know before having a feline at home (and, if you have any, you can see if there is something to adjust!).

1- When they arrive, cats need four things: a plate for food, another container for water, a bath and a bed (whether a cushion or a cave will depend on the taste of each animal). In addition, he had a scratch pad and a brush to comb it.

2- It is important to agree with them: The key is to understand that they are not dogs, so we will talk to them differently. Cats do not understand screaming because they do not bark. To tell them that everything is fine and that you want them, the expert suggests purring. To challenge them, look at them with their eyes open and blow them briefly once or twice. The key to communication is to watch them with narrowed eyes and make a half-smile, imitating their expression.

3- Food and water: cats need to eat in height. If they are very small, we will download them, but they will be able to do it alone. They should not have anything that limits their gaze to 180 degrees, so they will eat quietly because they know that there is no danger. As for the drink, it must be separated from the dish to more than one meter. Preferably, choose a container twice as wide as your whiskers and ceramic, porcelain or glbad. Avoid stainless steel pots.

Socks, Bill Clinton's cat, sitting on the presidential chair.
Socks, Bill Clinton's cat, sitting on the presidential chair.

4- House organized horizontally and vertically: An inviting house for domestic cats should have a rest area high up, such as a library. There, they will have tranquility, because it will give them the feeling of dominating the world. But they must also have places to hide (without feeling trapped), like a cardboard box with entry and exit.

5- Sanitary bathrooms: Place the pebbles, clean them every day and avoid scented products. It is necessary to have one box per cat and place them in a quiet place, not in the way or with noisy devices. The vet notes that if these animals defecate elsewhere, it means that they are not happy with the environment (or that they have a disease).

6- Brush the head and spine: They will like that, although they may get angry if you want to touch their belly. Therefore, do not be overwhelming and watch what your pet likes.

7- If you have to move them, always do it with a carrier. Inside, put a towel (and bring another spare) or an open disposable diaper. Never leave the cat on the veterinarian's floor and never allow people or dogs to spy on them through the door.

8- The toys must be able to be caught: look for items that can hunt, ribbon or paper roll with the stuffed mouse. Flashlights or laser pointers are not recommended as they may frustrate them. Pérez Tort advises to remove the cellophane from its range because it loves it and can swallow it.

9- Do not make sudden changes in food: consult a specialist and change it very slowly by mixing. Otherwise, you will cause them an anxiety disorder.

10- Visit the veterinarian: the professional will help you know how to educate him to behave (because if he is small, you will have to teach him the difference between right and wrong). In addition, it will indicate the corresponding vaccination schedule and the periodic care needed to prevent fleas and parasites (in case you ask yourself: yes, this is necessary even if you live in an apartment).

Now yes, You are ready to have a cat! If you still have doubts, here we share 11 scientific reasons why adopting one will improve your health.


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