International Day of Sleep: Major Disorders and Treatments


Do you have trouble sleeping?

Currently, 45% of the world's population suffers from sleep disturbances, which, over time and without appropriate treatment, can seriously affect the health and quality of life.

"In common with sleep disorders, there is a lack of restful sleep and excessive sleepiness during the day," he says. Dr. Carlos María Franceschini.

L & # 39; insomnia

"There are more than 100 sleep disorders," says Franceschini, who identifies insomnia "among the most common" and explains "characterized by difficulty initiating and / or maintaining sleep".

In this regard, the specialist indicates that "it is important to take into account hygieno-dietary measures of sleep, it's like going to bed and getting up at the same time, avoiding the presence of television, computer and catering equipment in the room where we sleep and not drinking stimulating drinks such as coffee and others after 20 years ".

He also recommends "as much as possible Do some physical activity in the morning and afternoon, leaving the night for dinner and getting ready to sleep alongside the natural release of melatonin, a hormone that causes sleep. "

Respiratory disorders during sleep

They meet snoringwhich is the diminution of the pharyngeal light. When it closes, this breathing pause is called apnea, sleep apnea syndrome.

With regard to the latter, he warns that "it is another very common sleep disorder that causes an increased number of road accidents and work accidents, and on the other hand the development of cardiovascular disease, is related to high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke, diabetes and obesity. "

There are also periodic movements of the extremities during sleep and another long list of less common disorders, which also generate their fractionation and lack of restful sleep, developing daytime symptoms that affect the quality of life.

"Getting used to sleeping a little, having too much sleep during the day and / or snoring are not normal situations, indicate that there is a disease installed or under development ", explains the specialist.

Meanwhile, in young people, there are two large groups composed of different types of disorders, as explained by the doctor Gladys Convertini.

Group of disomnias

These are disorders of quantity, quality and hours of sleep. Among them, you can find l & # 39; insomnia, that is to say, sleep less than normal for his age. It is also l & # 39; hypersomnia, when they sleep more hours than normal for their age, and Circadian rhythm disorders.

Group of parasomnias

These are physical events, usually motor phenomena, that occur at a time when they should not appear when the person wakes up. These are unwanted physical events, which would not be a problem during the wake.

They are benign disorders, very frequent, appearing between 3 and 6 years. They do not need medicine. "They go alone, but they worry parents ", explains Convertini.

In this group you will find somnambulism, which is common in adolescence and is usually related to the family, as a father with the same problem. They are also nightmares, the sleepy (speak asleep), bruxism (grinding of teeth), enuresis (wet the bed after five years), among others.

"The treatment will depend on the causes that generate it," says Convertini.


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