international role of Keiko Fujimori at the OAS | He sent a delegation to the United States but was unable to receive Luis Almagro


From Lima

An international letter informed the delegation that Keiko Fujimori sent to Washington to meet with Secretary General of Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, to demand an international audit of the elections he lost. Almagro did not receive them. Those sent to the OAS by the daughter of the imprisoned ex-dictator Alberto Fujimori could only have an interview with the director of the OAS Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation, Gerardo De Icaza. They called a press conference and found an empty room. The Fujimori mission, made up of two elected Congressmen and two former ministers, was a resounding failure.

Defeated in the June 6 elections by a little over 44,000 votes by the rural professor and leftist trade unionist Pedro Castillo, Keiko cannot assimilate her third consecutive electoral suspected fraud without proof. He intends to cancel Castillo’s votes to reverse the result. And for that, he wants the help of the OAS. The National Election Jury (JNE) has rejected all of its requests to cut its rival’s vote, a review process expected to be completed in the coming days. This is why the Peruvian right has recourse in its last letter to possible assistance from the OAS general secretariat. It didn’t work for him.

Fujimori’s emissaries traveled to Washington convinced that Almagro would receive them, that they would have in him the support they were looking for for a coup-type outing in Bolivia to turn their defeat into a triumph, but they found the doors closed. All his attempts to speak to Almagro were futile. They only had an appointment with a lower level official. If the Secretary General of the OAS ordered an audit of the Peruvian electoral process, that would amount to disavowing its own observation mission which approved the clean-up of the elections. All other international and national observation missions also characterized the electoral process as legitimate.

This Monday, Fujimori left a letter to the president Francisco sagasti asking you to request a verification from the OAS. With Peruvian electoral bodies and observation missions confirming the cleanliness of the elections, it is considered highly unlikely that the government will bow to pressure and accept this request. Almagro, not receiving the Fujimori delegation, sent the message that he does not intend to make any public gesture in favor of an OAS audit on the Peruvian elections.

The followers of Donald trump In the strategy of repeating and repeating the fraud without proof, lying and lying, seeking to nullify the winner’s votes for no reason to win, they tried to make noise in Washington, but it resulted in another role. . They called a press conference and when Keiko’s four envoys – including retired Admiral and elected Congressman Jorge Montoya, who in recent weeks has been one of the most active promoters of a coup State to prevent Castillo from assuming the presidency – they arrived at the press conference they had called, the room was practically empty. And the few who were there weren’t journalists. They started talking in front of empty chairs.

But the dark day for Fujimori did not end there. In the almost empty room, the Peruvian researcher and political scientist was standing Francesca Emmanuel, to reprimand them. “You are here as putschists. This is why the press is not there, because at the international level you are perceived as putschists “, told them. Keiko’s envoys looked at each other in amazement. It was the icing on the cake of a ridiculously international trip.

Call call

After the failure of negotiations before the OAS, the former 2016 presidential candidate and now Keiko’s ally on the right-wing front, Alfredo Barnechea, openly called for a military intervention and the formation of a civil-military regime which prevents the assumption of responsibility of a government of Castillo, which it describes as “communist” and of “terrorist”. Hitherto considered center-right, Barnechea joins the voices of the far right and retired military who call for a coup against Castillo’s electoral victory, and went further by demanding a civil-military regime. A sign of the desperation of the elites for the victory of a candidate who promises a popular government.

“The failure of the OAS determined that Barnechea made this call for a coup to a civil-military front, which is a step forward from what Keiko would promote, although he is not saying so at this time. , when the failure of his request to the OAS is confirmed ”, underlined the sociologist on page 12 Alberto Adrianzén.

In this line of blow, Keiko and his allies announce that without an OAS audit they will not recognize the election result or the legitimacy of the next government, insisting on the false argument of fraud. If they do not prevent the rural professor who evokes the change of the neoliberal model from assuming the presidency, the strategy of the right is to delegitimize him by questioning his victory and thus weaken him and destabilize his government to overthrow him. , which could be channeled to the next Congress, where the right will have the majority.

Racist expressions

The speeches of the coup d’etat tend even more to an already very tense environment, in which emerge racist expressions against Castillo, a rural professor of Andean origin, and his constituents, and demonstrations that call for violence. “Terruquitos, don’t hide, I want to see you in the pit, I will make bait with your guts”These are the threatening chants, in a military tone, of the far-right demonstrators who marched through the streets of Lima against Castillo. In Peru, the term “terruco” is synonymous with terrorist and the right uses it to disqualify the left. And it also has a strong racist content, because this right which walks threateningly identifies the popular sectors, the Andean and rural settlers, the voters of Castillo, as “terrucos”.

“There is an open racist campaign against Castillo and his supporters. The triumph of Castillo is more common, popular, provincial and Andean. The right wants a confrontation with Castillo and his voters. I believe that Fujimorism seeks the violent outburst of the people, a violent reaction ”, warns Adrianzén.

As the right plots against him, Castillo calls for unity and has meetings with various sectors, typical of an elected president. He announced the formation of a National Front for Governance and Democracy, with unions, unions, social movements and political parties.


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