International scandal: a false news published by the world's leading media to discredit Maduro


Clarín and various media around the world participated in a powerful operation against Maduro.

February 23, 2019

The newspaper Clarín and various media around the world have reproduced the image of a stuck bridge in Venezuela and spread false information about the reasons for the blockade to attack Nicolás Maduro.

In the midst of what was the Venezuela Aid Live festival, funded by American billionaire Richard Branson at the request of Venezuela 's self – proclaimed president, Juan Guaidó, several international newspapers and portals reported that Maduro had blocked a bridge to prevent the city' s. imaginary help input. disqualification of the bridge takes three years.

Along with the photo showing the highway blocked by containers between Venezuela and Colombia, the newspaper Clarín said that "the blockade was set up on February 6 by the government of Nicolás Maduro to prevent the". arrival of humanitarian aid in his country "and several international media followed the same trend.

However, the Las Tienditas Bridge is closed since the construction of it in 2016, as reported in No. 12 on page 12. Due to the diplomatic conflicts between Venezuela and Colombia, the bridge has never been activated.

In principle, Colombia has never built the customs facilities and both countries have started a discussion on the payment of the bridge that ended with the establishment of a fence by Colombia, which can be seen in the photos.


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