International scandal over the photo of a soldier who kills an Afghan baby | the Chronicle


Australia Yes China played in a international scandal after posting a striking image created by Chinese artist, in which you can see a soldier holding a knife to the throat of an afghan boy, in response to a report on war crimes committed in Afghanistan by Australian special forces.

The controversy began with a special report from the Inspector General of the Australian Defense Forces, Paul Brereton, published on November 19, 2020, in which he informs that members of the Australian Special Operations Task Force, a military body that operated in Afghanistan between 2005 and 2016, 39 people were illegally executed.

In addition to the documented killings, there are descriptions of many other atrocities, such as massacre of children and torture of peasants.

In reaction to this report, the Chinese artist Fu Yu, known as Qilindesign the formidable image, which was released on Monday by the deputy director of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Information Department, Lijian Zhao.

The Australian Prime Minister, Scott morrison, noted the message as “repugnant” Yes demanded an official apology from China. “It’s absolutely disgusting and can in no way be justified. The Chinese government should be totally ashamed of this post, underlined the Prime Minister.

Your peer from New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, supported Australia and expressed Wellington’s concern over Zhao’s tweet.

Zhao’s tweet that sparked the controversy.

“This Australian named Morrison scolds me and asks for my apologies”Fu said in a video posted to Weibo, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. “I feel sympathy for him and fully understand his feelings right now. But I would advise you to face reality and focus your attention and efforts on national issues.said the artist.

The creator of the picture described his work as a “effort to protect humanity”, and urged the Australian Prime Minister to “Make sure that the military force of your government is more disciplined, in order to avoid a similar international tragedy”.

“He should try less to lobby and condemn a factual work of art and an ordinary artist from a foreign country.”, Fu indicated.


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