Interpol allegedly located the alleged man of the former Kirchner secretary


It is the Mexican Isaac Hidalgo Esparza, who managed the investments in the Caribbean islands with the money of Daniel Muñoz. Bonadio could ask for his arrest

Interpol has identified a Mexican figurehead in the alleged 70-million-dollar whitening plan of former Kirchner secretary Daniel Muñoz, but with a history of "cash games, parties and events". 39, an impulsive character ".

This is Isaac Hidalgo Esparza, who appears as director of the "ghost" companies used to buy land in the Turks and Caicos Islands that cost 30 million US dollars. In addition, it is estimated that Hidalgo Esperanza could tell us where are the remaining $ 40 million that the widow of Muñoz, Carolina Pochetti, made in the United States., says an article by Daniel Santoro in Clarín.

Esparza "is located", probably in Mexico, but "not owned", according to judicial sources of Clarín.

Now, according to the protocol, federal judge Claudio Bonadio has to send the so-called "legal precautions to stop" Pochetti's eccentric figurehead and he will eventually be extradited or interrogated in Mexico. Until now, Esparza continues to promote sports betting forecasts on his Twitter account on football and baseball.

In the notebooks, Bonadio had also issued Red Interpol warnings against Miami lawyers and the islands of Anthony Aniello, Peter Karam, Charles Simon Serfaty and Sean Lawrence Sullivan. According to Mr. Pochetti's confession, the latter should have been responsible for the construction of the seaside resort dreamed by Muñoz in the Caribbean.

Meanwhile, the judge is preparing to respond to a request for cooperation from the United States. D'Aniello has already been arrested and collaborated in the cause of the notebooks in which the former president, Cristina Kirchner, is currently prosecuted at the head of an illicit badociation. Two weeks ago, the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli asked Bonadio to submit to the hearing the first part of this case and the witnesses of the Pochetti case, who are also the object of the trial. an investigation by the American justice.

Isaac Esparza Hidalgo is a close friend of Pochetti's cousin, Carlos Gellert. Esparza is a ludópata lawyer residing in Monterrey, Mexico. Gellert, son of former deputy K Blanca Blanca, began working with Muñoz in 2010, giving him the name of his wife, Perla Puente Resendez, to enable him to buy 14 properties in the United States. United. 12 ghost companies established in the British Virgin Islands. But in 2016, with the research "Panama Papers" of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), their names were unveiled.

Muñoz then asked Gellert for the name of a third person so that once he received $ 70 million from the United States, he would put them on behalf of the Marbel Hill and Wood Heaven ghost companies of these Caribbean islands. , among others. . Then, Gellert gave him the name of Hidalgo Esparza, whom he nicknamed "Maniac" because he is a player and can in some cases react in a "violent" way. I knew him 20 years ago to play poker or sports betting in the "timba" of Monterrey. A lawyer at Regiomantana University UR, he owned a Twitter account on which he "photographed celebrities and hired advertising as a sports betting consultant".

Hidalgo Esparza, in his forties, has blocked his social networks after the arrest of Gellert in Argentinaalthough you can still see him with his shaven head, muscles and beer on hand to promote betting.

Gellert changed Esparza's signature on the papers of the ghost companies for $ 30,000 in order to pay a gambling debt. In fact, Muñoz and Gellert were also fans of the match. Once, Muñoz "skated between $ 200 and $ 300,000" playing roulette in Las Vegas, Gellert said. As payment for his services, Gellert said that he was getting $ 3,000 a month and that he was staying with a Bentley luxury car and a Mercedes Benz truck.

Once Esparza entered the company's new weapons depot, his wife made several transfers, one of which amounted to $ 2,500,000, to purchase a 30-hectare plot of land in front of the company. sea ​​and next to the luxurious Amanyara hotel of Turk & Caicos, the dream resort of Muñoz was to be built. In his confession, Gellert revealed several clashes between the emblematic figures of Pochetti, mainly with the lawyer Miguel Pló, another of those pursued by Bonadio. Other companies of which Hidalgo Esparza is a director are Gold Back and Old Wolf, which were created by the law firms "Trident Trust and Portculis", says Clarín.

Before presenting Esparza, Gellert had opened a branch of the "Locos por el fútbol" bar in Monterrey with the financial support of Muñoz, who had then declared "to have a lot of power because of his relationship with Néstor Kirchner". He worked from dawn to dusk next to Nestor when he was president, and then officially followed him after taking over Cristina in 2007, until 2010.

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