Interrupt a new conspiracy against Maduro | The gobi …


Page12 in Venezuela

From Caracas

The Venezuelan government has announced the arrest and partial dismantling of a paramilitary network in the country, organized locally by Juan Guaidó and the party to which he belongs, the Voluntad Popular. The statement was made by the Minister of Communication, Jorge Rodríguez, who detailed the training of political and operational actors, the territories, the financing and the politico-military objectives of the attacks envisaged.

The action was carried out after government information revealed that murders committed in crimes, drug trafficking and gangs were committed in three Central American countries: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, with epicenter in the first, said the government. the spokesman of the Chavez government. The project proposed to train eight to ten teams of six to eight people, he explained.

According to Rodríguez, it was expected that the paramilitaries would enter Venezuela through Colombia, with an operations center located in the border town of Venezuela in Cucuta, in the same area where the attackers against Nicolás Maduro were trained in 2018. The attempt to forcibly enter Venezuela with trucks carrying humanitarian aid was organized on 23 February. Norte de Santander, a region where Cúcuta is located, is a territory characterized by an extensive presence of paramilitarism, with the development of the Los Rastrojos and El Clan del Golfo groups and the Mexican drug cartels.

"At least half of these paramilitaries (…) have managed to enter Venezuela, we are looking for them by land, by sea, by air, wherever they are, we will capture them, because we have already identified, "said Rodríguez. After the press conference, it was reported that a Colombian paramilitary leader summoned for operations, Wilfrido Torres Gómez, had been arrested, at the request of Interpol's blue code on killings and murderers at the rental.

According to Rodriguez, the terrorist cells had planned to badbadinate paramilitaries with uniforms provided by the deserters from the Bolivarian national armed forces. Fanb) to generate a situation of confrontation between the Venezuelan military. The escalation of terrorist actions should lead to an attempted general strike and an attack on the Miraflores Palace, the minister said.

The investigation revealed the political leadership after the operation which, in the Venezuelan territory, was concentrated in the hands of the leadership of the Popular Party (PV), with direct participation in the planning and development of Juan Guaidó, Leopoldo López and Freddy Guevara and Roberto Marrero, among others, said Rodriguez. The latter, who was the link between the paramilitary and Guaidó, was arrested last Thursday at his home, where they found two rifles, a grenade and ammunition, as reported by the Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace . Much of the evidence was found on his phone, many of which was shown by Rodriguez, with the permission of the Crown.

For example: "We will move from a headquarters strategy, a thesis of the United States seeking to stifle it financially and isolation to break it, to a strategy of aggression on the street, articulated to the "was the way Freddy Guevara described the current plan, in one of the conversations shown by Rodríguez.

Funding to contract, move and arm cells was collected through personal accounts, as well as non-governmental organizations, some of which were created in recent weeks. Part of the money comes from the money obtained through economic sanctions imposed by the United States. that, among other measures, funds have been seized from the Venezuelan State. These economic attacks have intensified in recent days. The Minerven gold company and three state-owned banks, including the Bands, have been hit, affecting 24 million customers, according to the government.

"It's like when Darth Vader takes someone by the neck in Star Wars – that's what we do economically with the Maduro regime," said John Bolton, US security advisor.

The operation discovered and partially neutralized, as well as the transparency of the economic aggression, seem to highlight the articulation and combination of badault variables against the government of President-elect Nicolás Maduro, as well as the chain of command that begins in the United States. The impunity with which financial aggression is waged is almost complete: it has been condemned only by certain international bodies, such as the United Nations Human Rights Council, which last Thursday approved a resolution on negative repercussions of the crisis ". coercive and unilateral measures ".

If Bolton's threats are met, the economic attacks will intensify. It's the most effective that they have managed to put in place. The rest did not yield the expected results: the Fanb did not break down, Guaidó's support in the streets tended to decrease and underground operations were dismantled, one in February and the other this week. In this context, time plays against Guaidó's strategy, because of the loss of expectations, evidence of its support base that will not be so easy to take in power, even if Guaidó announced yesterday "we will go to Palace of the "Miraflores", without setting a date, at a rally in the east of the country At the same time, Chavismo was again in the streets of Caracas for a mobilization that ended with an act near the headquarters of the Venezuelan government.


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