Investigate possible antisemitic behavior at the National University of Cuyo


Authorities National University of Cuyo investigate antisemitic behavior possible. This has been confirmed at PROFILE after receiving a letter addressed to the rector Daniel PIzzi by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

According to the letter signed by the director of international relations and the representative for Latin America, Drs. Shimon Samuels and Ariel GelblungProfessor Julio Alejandro Neme Dorah, Professor of "Contemporary Arabic Studies"I would have used the material to "incite hatred and intolerance". "For example, on May 1, Workers' Day Day, he called for rebellion against" Talmudic usurers ", while at Easter he accused the Israeli people of" deicide, "did they declared.

In addition, the authorities of the body "according to his statements as an administrator of the site" Arab Debate "Once called "Arab Planet", "Zionist Judaism is the great misfortune of mankind, masters of lies, poisoners of all peoples and enemies of humanity … Talmud and Torah are their own swords of Damocles. "

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On the other hand, they warned the university that the journalist Silvia Sbadola "exerts a militant anti-Semitism of, disguised as anti-Zionism, accusing Argentinian Jews of dual loyalty, among other anti-Semitic stereotypes. Added to this is the harbadment of Jewish students at DAD College, which depends on the university. "

Reply The media contacted the authorities at the study center, who said: "The Rector Ing. Daniel Pizzi, contacted Dr. Ariel Gelblung, a reference of this center, to inform him of the steps that his direction will take in this regard, also suitable meet over the next few days, for this particular topic. At the same time, the rector ordered the opening of a summary investigation into people who may have acted in connection with the complaint filed by this community. In addition, this university reaffirms its status as a public and secular field of study and recalls that in its clbadrooms, clbadrooms have been formed and coexist for many generations in a framework of peace and respect for heterogeneity. religious ideas and beliefs.



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