Investigate the death of the boy who fell into a well as a "reckless murder" – Telam


The Spanish Civil Guard is investigating the murder of a two-year-old boy who fell in a well in the city of Totalán, Malaga, Spain. This is an "imprudent homicide", said Tuesday the director general of the Civil Guard, Felix Azón.

"We all think that it can not be otherwise, presumably," Azón said at a press conference, at the request of the investigator if the investigation specifically made state of a reckless homicide.

The head of the Civil Guard, however, stressed that "corresponds to the judicial authority", in this case the court number 9 of Malaga, "makes the decisions that are required" with regard to the qualification of the facts once the investigation is completed. .

The owner of the land is the boyfriend of the two-year-old boy's father's cousin whose complex rescue held Spain in abeyance for thirteen days.



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