Investigate the tragic accident on the Danube


Investigators of the tragic accident Wednesday between two ships on the Danube on Wednesday in Hungary said that the captain of the cruiser "Viking Sigyn", collided with the "Siren", had not tried to contact the ship that had poured, reported yesterday. the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet.

"According to the information, the data recorded in the navigation systems of the cruise and the recordings made on the deck show that no attempt at contact has been sought," said the newspaper without citing specific source .

According to the images of the security cameras, the "Viking" reached the tourist boat when it was about to pbad under the bridge of Margarita, when the two ships collided and the smaller sank in a few seconds.

The captain of the cruise, a 64-year-old Ukrainian citizen, is in custody.

The mbadive flood of the Danube makes it difficult to withdraw the tourist ship which sank last Wednesday in Hungary and prevents the descent of divers to recover the bodies of the victims of the sinking which left a record of seven dead and 21 missing after hitting a ship cruise, rescuers of the ambulance service of this country reported yesterday.

Flooding of the river due to heavy rains in recent days, the strong current and lack of visibility due to fog and rain itself hamper the rescue operations of the ship, which has a depth of about three or four meters.

The water temperature of the Danube oscillates between 10 and 15 degrees. Rescue teams have no hope to find the rest of the survivors alive, the EFE news agency reported. "I dare not say that there is no hope, but that the possibilities are minimal," said Pal Gyorfi, spokesman of the ambulance service national, on state television.

The ship "Sirena", which was carrying 31 South Korean tourists and two Hungarian crew members on the Danube, collided with the cruiser "Viking Sigyn" and sank near the Margaret Bridge, north of Budapest. On the rescue efforts, the South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa, said today in Seoul, on his return from a visit to Budapest, that on Monday or Tuesday next the Hungarian, Korean and Austrian rescue groups According to the Hungarian press, they could eventually get off the ship, citing Korean media.

Hungary They are looking for victims of the collision of ships on the Danube.


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