Investigating the crime of a man fired in a car | News instantly from


Police are investigating the murder of a man who was shot while she was in a car parked in the Central American district and, for the At the moment, the main hypothesis indicates an alleged settlement of accounts.

] The Voz Deputy Commissioner Walter Rodríguez, the episode was recorded near 6.30 Julio Arboleda street at 2.500, just 30 meters from a house that had been shot down a few hours earlier .

"A police slogan had been followed around 2.30 as a result of a complaint about a house that was shot down.A few hours later, around 6:30 am, an explosion was heard and the troops managed to see how a car left the place.When they went to Julio Alboreda's home at 2,500, they found a 41-year-old man in a vehicle. "

The victim was aboard a Fiat Uno and had at least one ball. Meanwhile, the vehicle had "several impacts," said the deputy commissioner.

The medical emergency service 107 attended the scene, which verified the death.

Rodríguez said that although different lines are studied, the main badumption is related to a possible settlement of accounts.

"The elements of the car were not lacking," confirmed the deputy commissioner.

 CENTRO AMERICA. The neighborhood where they found the car (José Hernández / La Voz). "Title =" CENTRO AMERICA. The neighborhood where they found the car (José Hernández / La Voz). "Width =" 100% "height =" auto "clbad =" landscape-image_565_318 "/> 
<figcaption> CENTRO AMERICA, the neighborhood where they found the car (José Hernández / The Voice). </figcaption></p>
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