Investors saved 7,000 million US dollars from Argentina in just 2 months


Data provided by the Institute of International Finance, which includes major banks and investment funds, correspond to the period from April to May

The last article of the Institute of International Finance (IIF, for its acronym in English) left concrete data on what was the sale of domestic badets. 19659003] According to the calculation of the organization which gathers the main banks and investment funds of the world, between April and May – when the outflow of funds began – the flow to Argentina was negative billion dollars in net terms.

The data paint the whole body what was the drainage on the foreign exchange market bonds and shares. Of course, in recent days, this trend has stopped but, as we know, several bruises have remained.

According to the IIF report, the outflows of the non-resident emerging market portfolios rose to ] 8 billion US dollars in June after 6.3 billion of US dollars in May

. However, the largest measure of net capital flows to emerging markets was In 1945, net capital flows reached $ 168.8 million, the central banks of emerging countries accumulated more than uS113,000 million currency reserves up to now this year, which add to buffers against the turmoil of the foreign exchange market

"As trade tensions increase during the month, we estimate that emerging markets out of a net outflow of portfolio of non-residents of $ 8,000 million in June, divided roughly into debt ($ 4.2 billion) and equity (u3 s3 The June figure closes the weakest quarter since the end of 2016 as emerging markets face headwinds. Emerging regions s most affected by departures in June were Africa / Middle East (US $ 4 billion); Asia ($ 2.7 billion) and Latin America (2.5 billion US dollars)

The IIF says that June was not different. The month began with a notable episode of increasing aversion to the purchase investors taking less expensive badets in the emerging universe, followed by an equally striking blow by the increase in trade tensions.

] "Net capital flows were $ 81 billion in the first five months of the year, almost as high as the first five months of 2017. Mexico and Turkey has recorded a net increase in net inflows this year, although it is not sufficient to finance Turkey's large external financing needs, official reserves in dollars have declined, but Argentina has registered a second consecutive production, while in Russia, Thailand and the Czech Republic they accelerated in May, "details the IIF.

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