IOMA Authorizes Up To 72% Increase In Medical Obligations


IOMA directors agreed with the health professional badociations of several districts of the province of Buenos Aires an increase of up to 72.3% in the bonuses that are billed to patients social work of the residents of Buenos Aires.

The adjustment for the first tranche of the year's bargain maintained the Free A bond for the affiliate, but incorporated large increases in B and C bonds. The Agreement was signed with the Platense Medical Association and the Concertación of Independent Medical Entities of Buenos Aires (Cemibo).

By a statement, the entities reported that the new totals that began to take effect this week, for each occupational category, without discounts. "The agreed values ​​for the consultations are : A bonus, $ 251, bonus B, $ 311, bonus C, $ 391 plus a retroactive increase of 7% in May 2018 in surgeries and surgeries", specify they.

According to the newspaper El Día de La Plata, affiliates treated with a doctor of category B will pay $ 140 (45% of the total), while the services of a professional category C will be charged $ 220 56% of the total.

Despite the increase, the entities regrouping the doctors expressed their "disagreement". "This is a first part of the negotiation, today we are fighting for the update of the nomenclature that includes practices and surgeries, something that is not valued" ] who pointed out that "values ​​in line with inflation" should be "reconsidered".

From IOMA, it is expected that "will advance in the treatment of various updates, as is the case for drugs, so that members receive more coverage percentages. high, for example outpatient. "

Teaching his grievances

Before the measure, the Front of the Teaching Unit, which groups together the Guilds of Buenos Aires FEB, Sadop, Amet, Udocba and Suteba, throw the cry in the sky. "Historically, in the composition of the medical consultation, the highest percentage was provided by IOMA, but in the last two years this equation has been reversed and today the worker contributes more than the social work itself ",

" Although the unprecedented and absolute rejection is that the proposal that closed the Institute implies an increase only co-payment by the ". affiliated, without IOMA allocated a weight of his budget " added provincial teachers, one of the main users of social work

" While the increase in co-payments exceeds 70% in some cases, the Teachers continue with an unresolved solution and wages frozen since last December.This is, in short, another example of the adjustment that the governor (Maria Eugenia) Vidal accomplishes in all regions of the world. provincial state, "they remarked what

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