Iran will continue with its missiles | Rohani defended his p …


Iranian President Hasan Rohani warned yesterday that Iran would continue to develop its missile systems before the crowd gathered on Azadi Square in Tehran to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the triumph of the Islamic revolution in that country.

In his speech to protesters gathered at Azadi Square (Liberty), Rouhani rejected US efforts to isolate Tehran and said US sanctions could not break the Islamic Republic.

"The presence of people in the streets of all Islamic Iran today means that the enemy will never reach its evil goals," said Rohani, adding that the country would continue its program missiles to protect against external threats. "We have not asked, and we will never ask permission to develop our arsenal of missiles as we continue our path to military power," said Rohani, who detailed in his speech some of the military achievements of Last 40 years. The president also stressed that "the military power of Iran is surprising to everyone", amidst the cheers of the participants, who have invaded the square and all the surrounding streets.

In a demonstration of this power, the Revolutionary Guards Corps displayed Qadr missiles in the ceremonial stadium of Tehran with a range of 2,000 kilometers; Ghiam, 700 kilometers; and Zolfeghar, 800. Iran's missile systems, as well as its regional influence, are of particular interest to the United States, but also to Europe and the Middle East countries such as Arabia. Saudi Arabia and Israel. On the regional influence, Rohani said that thanks to Iran's support to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen, "the enemies have not won victory". He has also influenced foreign intervention in the Middle East, particularly in the United States, and said that these foreign forces "must leave the region."

Last year, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, decided to withdraw his country from the nuclear deal signed with Iran in 2015 and reactivated the sanctions against that country, which caused damage to the economy and led the Ayatollah regime to denounce an "economic war".

"The presence of people in the streets of all Islamic Iran means that the plots planned this year by the enemy have been ruined," Rohani said in his speech. According to him, the large popular participation in the celebrations of yesterday shows that "the enemy will not reach its sinister objectives and that the path of the revolution will continue in the same way as during the of the last 40 years ".

Hundreds of thousands of citizens left yesterday in the main cities of the country to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the fall of Sha Mohamad Reza Pahlevi's regime and the rise to power of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the Islamic Revolution .

Images of state television channels showed a crowd of protesters carrying Iranian flags and chanting slogans such as "Death to Israel, Death to America", usual proclamations since the Islamic Revolution. "Despite the consternation of America, the revolution has reached 40 years," reads another banners displayed by the protesters.

The strong participation in the government-sponsored protests coincides with a particularly sensitive moment for the Iranians because of rising prices, food shortages and high inflation, circumstances that had already provoked a wave of protests against the government.

Saudi Arabia, a Sunni leader in the region and other Arab countries have been watching Iran for a long time since the end of the Islamic revolution under the Shah regime, fearing that Ayatollah Khomeini will inspire the spirit of the militants Islamists from the Middle East.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are involved in the conflicts in Iraq, Yemen and Syria, where they defend their opponents and profess opposite views on Islam: the first is Shi'ite and the opponent is Sunni.


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