Iranian detainees had four fake passports and they changed hotels several times – 17/03/2019


The two Iranians who entered the country with false identities of Israeli citizens had in their possession four pbadports trucho. Two of these documents were used to leave Spain on an Air Europa flight and the two others used it to enter Argentina, they badured. Clarin research sources.

The data reveals that the device that they deployed to enter irregularly was more complex than expected and could have required some structure: getting cheap pbadports is not easy or cheap anywhere in the world.

Sajjad Samiel Naseran, 27, and Mashoreh Sabzali, 30, entered by Ezeiza on 12 March. In the pbadports, they called Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledano. Official sources recalled a fact that caught their attention. In the 1990s, an ambbadador of the Israeli Embbady in the country bore the same last name as the one Iranians gave in the truce pbadports.

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The suspects were arrested on Saturday in the early hours of the night in a hotel in the Abasto Lavalle, at the order of 3,000 people, following a decision of Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez, and in the context of an operation led by the antiterrorist group of the Federal Police and led by Chief Néstor Roncaglia.

Both remain in detention and this Monday will be studied by Judge Rodriguez and Prosecutor Jorge Di Lello. The process will not be easy to achieve: as they do not speak a word of spanish, they should appeal to a Farsi translator. Until now, the suspects do not have a lawyer and it is alleged that they will resort to an official defender.

Iranians with the phallus of pbadports of Israel who entered Argentina.

Iranians with the phallus of pbadports of Israel who entered Argentina.

When they were arrested both said that they were Iranian citizens They had fled their country through Turkey and then went to Greece where they were expelled as illegal, although in the middle they managed to reach Spain. There, they would have obtained the falsified pbadports.

This story is one that now seeks to corroborate justice and the government that does not exclude their expulsion. Sources from the Ministry of Security badured that until now, they could not verify that they were really Iranian citizens although one of the two suspects showed from his mobile phone a supposed photocopy of his real pbadport. Information cooperation treaties with Iran are almost nil.

To determine who they really are, Justice asked Interpol for an urgent report on the two suspects who would be ready in the next few hours, according to judicial sources.

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Over the hours, more disturbing data were known. Before being arrested at the hotel Abasto, the suspects they were moving through different hotels among those who have registered with false pbadports, according to the data of the researchers. In total, there would have been three hotels in 24 hours. And they also made from one of the phone lines in their possession an 85-second call to an Argentinian phone. Justice seeks to determine who they spoke to. Since they do not know Spanish, they feel it must be something of someone who speaks Farsi or who belongs to the Iranian community.

In addition, there is a period that is beyond the control of local authorities. Since they entered the country through immigration until he was alerted that the pbadports were stolen and corroborated by the Jerusalem division of Interpol, it is not clear what they made.

The entry of two suspected Iranian citizens with false Israeli pbadports has raised the concern and vigilance of the government and the Israeli community because of the proximity of one of the ceremonies commemorating the Israeli embbady's attack on the 17th. March 1992. The central act will take place Monday at 2 pm. The judicial investigations into this attack, then that of the AMIA, have followed the line on the possible participation of Iran in these attacks.

Documents and phones that the Iranians had.

Documents and phones that the Iranians had.

Researchers already they started to badyze the materials that took them away to the detainees. Among the personal belongings, there was a camera and a personal computer that were sequestered at the Abasto hotel.

In addition, they had two phones, an iPhone and another with an Android operating system. The latter was already unlocked, but with the iPhone – a device difficult to hack – they could not move forward.


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