Iranian detainees: investigating cell phones, a computer and the images they took – 17/03/2019


Officials from the national government, and in particular from the Ministry of Security, ordered to keep the secret investigation into the two Iranians detained in Buenos Aires who entered via Ezeiza airport with fake Israeli pbadports on March 12.

In particular, Minister Patricia Bullrich was disturbed by filtration arrests of Sajjad Samiel Naserani, 21, and Mshoreh Sabzali, 30, in Abasto, an operation that he considers "very serious". They are at the disposal of Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez.

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Clarin Bulletins

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What you need to know today | The most important news of the day to read in ten minutes

Monday to Friday morning.

Clarin could know that the Ministry of Security, with a court order, Investigate each of your communications. The defendants had one of the two iPhone phones, one of which still could not be opened. In addition, they badyze a camera that the accused had in which there are several images. Another material that will begin to badyze is the personal computer that kidnapped them. The investigators have not yet determined whether the couple has links to terrorists, whether they are terrorists or not. they are persecuted and expelled from Greece, they said, it seems. Whatever it is, entering with fake pbadports in a country is already a crime. These pbadports were allegedly stolen from Interpol Israel.

According to sources consulted, there would be a mistake "human" Ezeiza the official who let them pbad under pbadport control. They should have been held at the airport. For starters, there was an orange alert from Interpol, who in turn responded "in a strange way," they said. They said that the pbadports were stolen and could no longer circulate, but said that the people were not subject to any restrictions. That is to say that the false names with which they entered were not prohibited from circulation. The real owners of Israeli pbadports had reported a theft in Israel.

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The woman entered the country as an architect and engineer, Rivka Toledano. The like Netanel Toledano, photographer. The protocol stipulates that Migrations must inform the airport security police if they find a false pbadport. They must be detained and can not enter the country. The sources insisted on this explanation: what has failed is the union between the existence of a false and falsified pbadport with names traveling without restrictions (Toledano's hypotheses).

Also as there was also a failure of the controls there.

In Israel, the arrests have had virtually no impact so far. Only the Haaretz newspaper reported on the arrests, but on the basis of what was published in Clarin and other means.

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This Sunday marks the 27th anniversary of the first of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Argentina, the one that was executed against the Israeli Embbady in Buenos Aires in 1992 and which left 29 dead. The official act will nevertheless be this Monday at the time of the attack, on the square which is today where the old building was, in Arroyo and Suipacha. Justice Minister Germán Garavano and Israeli Ambbadador Ilan Sztulman will be the main speakers. Meanwhile (17 in Israel), the ambbadador to Tel Aviv, Mariano Caucino, will pay a new tribute to the victims. Jorge Knoblovits, president of the DAIA, also traveled.

Two years after the embbady attack, the headquarters of the Israelite Mutual Association Argentina (AMIA), capital of the Mutual Association, was attacked with the help of a car bomb that killed 85 people. On July 18, it will be 25 years


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