Iranian regime continues to violate international commitments: it has activated new uranium enrichment centrifuges


This file image released on November 5, 2019 by the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency shows several centrifuges at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant in central Iran.  (International Atomic Energy Agency, via AP, archives)
This file image released on November 5, 2019 by the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency shows several centrifuges at the Natanz uranium enrichment plant in central Iran. (International Atomic Energy Agency, via AP, archives)

The Iranian regime, which continues to violate all its international commitments, announced on Saturday the commissioning of new modern centrifuge sets this will make it possible to enrich the uranium more quickly, the use of which is prohibited by the international agreement on its nuclear program signed in 2015.

President Hasan Rohani officially inaugurated a set of Centrifuges type 164 IR-6 and 30 IR-5, installed in the Natanz complex in central Iran, during a videoconference ceremony broadcast on state television.

The television did not broadcast images of the centrifugesBut engineers in white coats said, after receiving the order from Rohani, that they had started receiving uranium gas.

Advertisement coincide with the negotiations in Vienna between Iran and the other states party to the 2015 agreement – China, France, Germany, Britain and Russia – on how to bring the United States back into the pact.

Washington unilaterally walked out of the deal in 2018 and reinstated economic and financial sanctions against Iran.

Iranian President Hasan Rohaní.  EFE / EPA / ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH / Archives
Iranian President Hasan Rohaní. EFE / EPA / ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH / Archives


Negotiations for Iran and the United States to re-comply with the 2015 nuclear deal ended their first round this Friday in Vienna with some progress and the prospect of continuing next week to bring still distant positions closer together. .

Enrique Mora, the coordinator of the joint commission which monitors the respect of the JCPOA, as it is called the agreement, assured in a statement that the working groups maintained this week “constructive and solution-oriented exchanges“And they will meet again”throughout the next week“.

Mora coordinates, in his capacity as Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service, the meetings held in a hotel in Vienna by the delegations of Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and the United Kingdom. China, signatory countries of the agreement and indirect contacts with the United States, which abandoned the treaty in 2018.

The delegations are trying to find a way to facilitate the simultaneous return of Washington and Tehran to the pact, signed in 2015 with the aim of preventing Iran from seizing a nuclear bomb.

The representative of China in the negotiations, Wang qun, assured that the talks are progressing as desired, although he acknowledged that this will be necessary “more intense work next week“.

He stressed that the parties are moving “in the right direction“Y”reduce their differencesIn order to reach a consensus and bring the two countries back to full compliance with the JCPOA, the nuclear agreement signed in 2015.

For his part, the Russian Ambassador to the UN in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, wrote on Twitter that after a week of deliberations, the parties must now “develop concrete measures” towards the return of the United States and Iran to the pact.

“If we are successful, we can strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime, alleviate the suffering of the Iranian people, and reduce tensions in the Persian Gulf,” the Russian diplomat added.

New US President Democrat Joe Biden wants to reverse the deal (EFE / EPA / Yuri Gripas)
New US President Democrat Joe Biden wants to reverse the deal (EFE / EPA / Yuri Gripas)


Coordinated by the European Union, the JCPOA commission met at the level of political directors and ambassadors.

One of the groups analyzes how and what sanctions the United States could lift to meet Iran’s demands and the other focuses on returning Iran to fulfill its nuclear obligations set out in the treaty..

Former US President Republican Donald Trump abandoned the deal in May 2018 and introduced new sanctions as part of a policy of maximum pressure on Iran.

The Islamic Republic, for its part, failed to comply with important aspects of the JCPOA for two years, such as the larger-scale production of enriched uranium, at a purity higher than that permitted.

In addition, it limits access to the IAEA, the UN nuclear agency, which must verify and monitor Iran’s nuclear program.

The JCPOA limits the nuclear program in exchange for economic relief and the lifting of sanctions.

The new president of the United States, Democrat Joe Biden wants to reverse deal, calls on Iran to fully comply with JCPOA, something that Tehran rejects by first requiring a verified lifting of all sanctions.

(With information from AFP and EFE)


The United States has said it is “ready” to lift some sanctions against Iran when it complies with the nuclear deal.
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