Iranian regime rejects international request to install security cameras at its Karaj nuclear power plant


Iran already has more than 120 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20%, a percentage almost four times higher than that authorized by the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 (AFP)
Iran already has more than 120 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20%, a percentage almost four times higher than that authorized by the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 (AFP)

Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization director Mohamad Eslami rejected the US, UK, France and Germany’s request to relocate cameras to the Karaj nuclear power plant . considering that this is a procedure outside the terms of the international nuclear agreement signed by the Islamic Republic in 2015.

As the Iranian authorities have already claimed on other occasions, the resumption of US sanctions and the lack of support they denounce from the rest of the international signatories has led them to increasingly dissociate themselves from the terms of the agreement. , and more unofficial requests. “It’s a two-way deal” between Iran and the world powers and “the Europeans and the Americans have not kept their commitments,” Eslami lamented in an interview with Iranian newspaper Entejab.

In June, Iranian authorities declared that a centrifuge facility in Karaj, outside Tehran, was the target of a foiled “sabotage plot”. Days later The United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany have called for cameras to be placed in the center so that the UN nuclear agency can verify that they are not carrying out malicious operations.

Iran intends for its return to fully withdraw sanctions reintroduced by the United States after the now former US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the pact in 2018, three years after it was signed.

Almost four times more enriched uranium than allowed

Eslami also announced that The country already has more than 120 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20%, a percentage almost four times higher than that authorized by the nuclear agreement signed in 2015.

Iran calls for full withdrawal of US reintroduced sanctions for return to nuclear deal
Iran calls for full withdrawal of US reintroduced sanctions for return to nuclear deal

Under the nuclear deal, Iran was only allowed to enrich 3.67% uranium, well below the 90% required for uranium suitable for weapons development, but l The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warned that Iran already had 10 kilograms of enriched uranium. at 60 percent.

In all cases, Eslami confirmed that Iran had “gone from 120 kilograms” of uranium enriched to 20%. “We have more than this figure,” he told the official IRNA news agency, to which he reiterated that this amount is not for malicious purposes.

“Our people know well that the Western powers were supposed to give us the 20% enriched fuel to use in the Tehran reactor, but they did not. If our colleagues do not do it, naturally we would have problems with the lack of fuel for the reactor, ”the pan-Arab channel Al Arabiya was justified in statements.

The announcement comes as talks have stalled, and even more so after ultra-conservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi was elected president of Iran. The United States has warned that its patience is running out on this issue and has threatened to launch a “plan B” if Iran does not return to the negotiating table, without giving further details on the initiative.

With information from Europa Press


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