Iranian regime wants US to release billions of dollars to resume nuclear talks


Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran (REUTERS)
Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran (REUTERS)

The Iranian regime is asking the United States for billions of dollars to measure its “real intention” regarding the nuclear negotiations, which have stalled since last June, according to the Iranian foreign minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

If the Americans “They have a real intention (to save the deal), they must free some of our properties, for example tens of billions of dollars frozen in foreign banks and return them to Iran.”the head of Persian diplomacy said on Saturday evening in a television interview for a state television station.

The talks come after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Thursday that time is running out for the Tehran regime to revert to the nuclear deal.

Since June, negotiations between Iran and the Western powers have stalled to bail out this pact, which has been greatly weakened since the unilateral exit of the United States in 2018.

The agreement, reached in Vienna in 2015, offered Tehran a partial withdrawal of Western and UN sanctions, in exchange for the Islamic Republic has pledged to drastically reduce its nuclear program and not to equip itself with an atomic bomb.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (EFE / EPA / YOUSSEF BADAWI)
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (EFE / EPA / YOUSSEF BADAWI)

But after leaving the United States, Iran has started to rape him.

The Persian regime also wants to bring South Korea to justice for Seoul’s refusal to pay it a debt, worth $ 8,000 million for the purchase of oil.

“The American pressure (on South Korea) is a fact, but we cannot continue to profile ourselves and turn a blind eye to this situation,” said Amir Abdollahian.

Blinken assured last Thursday that The United States behaved in “very good faith for many months” regarding nuclear negotiations, in which it participates indirectly.

“The Americans are not prepared to unblock (Iran’s frozen properties) so that we can guarantee the interests of the Iranian people,” lamented the Iranian foreign minister.

Last week, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep borrell, indicated that negotiations would resume “soon”.

Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State (Rebecca Droke / Pool via REUTERS)
Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State (Rebecca Droke / Pool via REUTERS)

During a press conference in Doha, the capital of Qatar, the head of European diplomacy referred to the indirect talks between Tehran and Washington in Vienna, which began in April and were suspended two days after their Ibrahim Raisi will win the Iranian presidential elections in June.

Borrell said he believed negotiations for Tehran and Washington to fully comply with the deal would resume “within an acceptable time frame.”

After the former president of the United States Donald trump abandoned the deal three years ago and reimposed sanctions on Iran, the Islamic republic replenished its uranium reserves, enriched it to higher levels of fissile purity, and installed advanced centrifuges to speed up uranium production.

President Joe Biden aims to restore dealBut the parties disagree on what action to take and when, the key questions being what nuclear limits Tehran will accept and what sanctions Washington will remove.

International community pushes to prevent Iran from reaching nuclear weapon (IRIB via AP, File)
The international community is pushing to prevent Iran from reaching nuclear weapons (IRIB via AP, File)

Western powers have urged Iran to resume negotiations, saying time is running out as the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program advances well beyond the limits set by the deal.

Tehran maintains that its nuclear measures are reversible if Washington lifts all sanctions. Iranian and Western officials have said many issues remain to be resolved before the deal can be revived.

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman told Le Monde newspaper that his country “concluded that we will certainly return to nuclear talks” in Vienna.

Despite Iran’s need to bolster its economy by negotiating an end to US sanctions, diplomats hope Raisi will take a tougher line when the Vienna talks resume.

With information from AFP and Reuters

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