Iranian sentenced to one year in prison for removing her veil | Chronic


L & # 39; Iranian Movahed life was sentenced to one year in jail for abducting the Islamic headscarf in public, as part of demonstrations against the mandatory hijab in Iran, and was later pardoned by the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Payam Derafshanlawyer of the woman found guilty, explained that the sentence, handed down in March and now considered final, condemns Movahed for "Encourage people to commit acts of corruption by removing the hijab."

The woman was arrested for the first time in January 2018, after the video of her action to remove the veil from Enghelab Street in Tehran became viral, but was released soon after.

Life Movahed, nicknamed "the daughter of Revolution Street", was sentenced to one year in prison for kidnapping her daughter. This woman helped start an entire revolution. We demand his immediate release!
CC: @A

– ⎛⎝DH⎠⎞ (@_____________DH)
April 14, 2019

At the end of October of this year, he returned to Enghelab Square with several colored balloons and, as everyone was gathered around him and the traffic was interrupted, he was arrested again, according to the police report cited by the agency. new EFE.

Although Movahed has conducted two similar protest actions, his attorney defended in statements to the official IRNA agency that the woman had now promised not to reoffend.

"Because of the negative consequences of this act for her and her two-year-old (Movahed) son, she acknowledges that this way of expressing her opinion was not correct"Derafshan added.

The woman was pardoned on April 3 by the supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, who, on that date, had pardoned hundreds of prisoners on the anniversary of Muhammad's election as a prophet. However, the grace has not yet been effective and Movahed is still in detention.

Vida Movahed was the first woman to get into an electrical box in central Tehran. After removing her from her hijab, she hung it on a stick by waving it like a flag.

Dozens of women from different cities of the country followed his example between January and February 2018, which led to the arrest of ten of them.

Those who participated in this pattern of protest were called "girls from Enghelab street", since in this place in the center of Tehran several actions have occurred.

Iranians protest by removing their veil in public (with the kind permission of Miedois)

Since the Islamic revolution of 1979, which established a theocratic regime in the country imposing a series of restrictions such as badual segregation and the prohibition of alcohol consumption, the veil is obligatory in Iran.


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